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This category, with its subcategories, are for all aspects of Graphics Programming. Graphics Programming is the topic that has anything to do with programming pertaining to visual data. (Whether that visual data is displayed (on a monitor or some other device) is irrelevant.) In other words, a result of Graphics Programming is stuff that could be seen (but doesn't have to be).
This category is for the theoretical side of Graphics Programming. It focuses on the algorithms and data structures used to produce visual imagery or data. This category covers topics commonly found in fields of Computer Science, such as Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Computer-Based Modeling.
This category is for listing companies that would best be described as specializing in Graphics Programming. Note, that this does not mean that all companies who do Graphics Programming will be here! Please see the related categories to help you find other companies that do Graphics Programming.
Graphics Libraries are libraries used for producing visual imagery or data.
This category is for Personal sites that provide Graphics programming related information of some value.