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PostNuke is a Weblog / Content Management System (CMS). It offers full CSS support, HTML 4.01 transitional compliance throughout, an advanced blocks system, and is fully multi-lingual enabled. PostNuke is a fork of Francisco Burzi's PHP-Nuke when the development split due to various internal issues. PostNuke came to an official end in 2008.
Sites submitted to this category should have content that would be useful to the PostNuke development community such as PostNuke modules, themes, blocks or documentation on PostNuke.

This extends to having downloads of the information available by PostNuke users with preference to no requirement of site registration for download. It would be extremely useful if a form of demonstration (doesn''t have to be administrative) of the content available on the site was provided.

This category contains links to sites with PostNuke Modules. In specific, this category is for sites that are designed for a single PostNuke Modules. Module collections can be found in PostNuke/Modules/Collections.
Please submit sites that for are meant for a single Postnuke module into this section (sites with various versions of the same module are acceptable). If the site has a collection of modules please submit to the collection category instead.