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Biometric authentication is the science of verifying a person's identity based on personal characteristics, such as voice, facial characteristics and fingerprints. Biometrics are used to create security solutions for multiple markets, including network, data, telephony, Internet and physical access.
Companies that offer only one type of biometric service/product (for example, only face recognition) should be listed in that specific subcategory instead of here.
Listing of companies who offer more than one mode of biometric services. (For example, face recognition and fingerprint recognition).
Companies that offer only one type of biometric service/product (for example, only face recognition) should be listed in that specific subcategory instead of here.
News and media, companies and research, and opposing views and protests relating to computer software used to recognize and differentiate between human faces.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

Companies offering more than one mode of biometric service (i.e., fingerprints AND face recognition) should be submitted to Computers: Security: Biometrics: Companies instead of here.
For sites related to biometrics that utilize Iris data.
As some companies have more than one biometric pieces of software, and/or hardware. deeper linking maybe more appropriate at times. In other cases follow general guidelines.