My Account
In order to handle the large number of sites that are added to the Software category every day, the editors of this category ask that you please choose an appropriate subcategory for your link. If you do not feel that any of the existing categories are appropriate, please feel free to contact an editor. Please do not submit a link more than once. If your link does not appear in a few days, please be patient. A link does not usually belong in more than one category, or a few at most. Submissions to numerous inappropriate categories will be considered spam, and will cause the link to be deleted from the directory. Please note that the Software category receives many submissions that are more appropriate to other categories. If you or your organization develop Web sites as your primary service, you should submit your link to a subcategory of Computers/Internet/Commercial_Services Thank you,
The ODP Computers/Software Team
Please only submit non-download sites. All download sites should go in the sub-catagory called "File Downloads"
Abandonware is defined as any software that is not being sold or supported by the company that produced it, nor by any other company. When a certain piece of abandonware is later found to be sold or supported by a company (for instance in a re-release or a compilation), then it ceases to be abandonware. The term may also apply to hardware that matches this description.
Please only submit non-download sites. All download sites should go in the sub-category called "File Downloads".

This category is for accounting software and accounting software companies. (For Consultants, please see the Submission Notice).

What to Submit

  • Please only submit sites of accounting software and accounting software companies to this category.
  • If your software is not a full accounting package and only provides certain functionality (i.e. billing) then please submit it to the relevant subcategory.
  • Please do take the time to review all of the subcategories to see if your site would fit better in one of them rather than in this general category.

What Not to Submit

If you are a consultancy firm please Do Not submit your site to this category, consultancy firms, system implementers of accounting packages belong in:


Consultants and Implementers of ERP solutions (which include accounting) should be submitted to (or to a relevant subcategory of):


Backup is the action of copying files or a database so that they will be preserved in case of equipment failure or other misfortune. Backup is usually a routine part of the operation of large businesses with mainframe as well as the administrators of smaller business computers. Personal computer users can consider both local backup and Internet backup. Internet Backup: You may also consider sending your files to another site for safekeeping. In case your hard drive crashes, you'll be able to download a copy from the site.
Please submit only Web Sites that provide Software Backup solutions for Businesses or Personal computer users.

If you are providing an Internet backup service for Business or Personal use. Please submit your site to Computers/Software/Internet/Site_Management/Backup.

Refers to the final stages of development and testing before a product is released to market. Typically the last step in the testing of a product before it is officially released.
Software builds are a core part of the software development lifecycle. Builds are where source files are converted into executable software products. The classic tool for automating software builds is the Unix "make" program, which was invented around 1974 to reduce software build times for C programs on the new Unix operating system. Make programs decide whether source files need rebuilding based by using text Makefiles that contain dependency trees, and by comparing timestamps on source files and object files. Beginning in the 1980s, integrated development environments (IDEs) began to do software builds of IDE "project files" themselves, reducing the need for people to write traditional makefiles for software builds of IDE projects. However, makefiles are still very useful for software build operations that go beyond individual IDE projects, and so many modern IDEs generate external makefiles for IDE projects. Around the turn of the millennium (2000), a new generation of build manager tools began to emerge, as people tried to solve the still-present problem of software builds using interactive GUI interface technologies developed in the 1990s. The trend of developing software on personal computers under Windows played a big part in motivating the new generation of GUI-interface tools, since the Windows world was a GUI world, unlike previous decades of Unix systems. This new generation of GUI-oriented tools helped people to interactively script and manage build processes using a GUI interface, rather than using traditional makefiles. Instead of coding lines in a troublesome makefile syntax, people could "code" the steps of their build process using more friendly GUI dialog boxes, and could click to execute various steps in the build process. Especially for individual programmers, these tools proved quite useful. Some of the essential goals of a build manager tool are to provide a nicer GUI interface for people, to provide a more friendly way of specifying build process steps, and to provide additional functionality and interactive build management convenience through the interface. But build manager tools do not typically address the deeper problems of larger-scale builds that involve multiple languages, larger numbers of files and platforms and components, pervasive parallelism and distribution over remote machines, or other complex aspects of scalable builds. For this kind of problem, build management _systems_ are required. Build management systems try to go beyond simple build scripting tools, by providing more general software build models that involve some level of abstraction away from the details of software builds. For example, a build system might provide a layer of abstraction above the traditional makefile layer, leading to platform-independent makefiles (or equivalents). Or a build management system might abstract builds even further, by calculating and executing multiplatform build sequences for itself, in a totally automated way, thereby reducing the need for people to be involved in scripting their builds at all.
This category is for research papers, tutorials, and other documentation related to software builds. Products for performing software builds should be submitted to one of the other software build categories.
Please sumit only sites that deal with software used by businesses to handle credit reporting/retrieval and collection management requirements.
Business drawings include Flowcharts, Organizational Charts, Network Diagrams, Process Flow Diagrams, Software Design Diagrams, Cause and Effect Trees, Engineering Diagrams, Tables, Timelines, and other illustrations of functions or processes. Business drawing, or diagramming, software is often lumped (inappropriately) with "graphics editors" like Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Illustrator. But unlike these bitmap-based "art" programs, diagramming software is typically vector-based and is designed to produce efficient schematics rather than pretty pictures. Some business drawing programs offer a free trial version for download. See individual listings for details.
This category is for communications software, generally computer-to-computer communications. It is not the appropriate category for telephony software, including paging, nor it is the proper place for shareware, including chat software.
This category contains listings of sites concerned with conferences, conventions and trade shows related to software.
This category contains listings of sites concerned with conferences, conventions and trade shows related to software.

If the site being submitted is about event management software you probably want to submit it to Business/Industries/Hospitality/Software.

From FAQ: [Configuration management is] tracking and control of software development and its activities. That is, the management of software development projects with respect to issues such as multiple developers working on the same code at the same time, targetting multiple platforms, supporting multiple versions, and controlling the status of code (for example beta test versus real release).


This category is currently subject to a reorganisation. It contains primarily software development companies. However eventually these sites will be relocated to the appropriate subcategory of: Computers/Companies/Software_Development/ or elsewhere if they are not actually software development firms. Please do not submit here.


This category is currently subject to a reorganisation and is planned to be merged into: Computers/Companies/Software_Development

Please do not submit to it. Instead please look at the subcategories of Computers/Companies/Software_Development/ and see which subcat your site is best suited to - and submit there.

Submitting to this category or the top level Computers/Companies/Software_Development/ category is not advised and could result in a long delay before your site is reviewed.

Please note if your company rarely deals with businesses outside of your immediate geographical area, it is recommended that you submit to the appropriate Regional category for your place of business instead of submitting here.

A collection of data structured and organized in a disciplined fashion so that access is possible quickly to information of interest.
List your product here if it is not database management software, but rather, a database program designed to store a particular set or sets of data ( e.g. recipes, soccer statistics, club memberships, real estate listings, hotel rooms, second-hand automobiles etc.)
Software and Companies for Data Acquisition, Control, Data processing, formats, format conversion, manipulation, integrity checking, data transfer, storage and backup, retrieval, reporting, ODBC (Open Database Connectivity), SQL (Software Query Language), data compression methods and algorithms, etc.
Data compression reduces the size of a file, or groups of files of data by eliminating unnecessary information, such as blanks and redundant data. The idea of reducing the size is to save money on transmitting or storing the data. The file or program which has been compressed must be "decompressed", i.e. brought back to normal before use.

This category is for software and utilities used to customize a computer desktop. This includes Screen Savers, Icons, Wallpapers, Desktop Themes, Cursors, Screen Mates and Skins for ICQ, Winamp and Yahoo Messenger.

The main category holds only sites that have multiple Desktop Enhancements and "does not" accept submissions from Authors or Developers.

This category holds only sites that have multiple Desktop Enhancements and does not accept submissions from authors or developers.

Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit only sites that have comprehensive resources to this area. If your site deals with any of the individual Desktop Customization please submit it to the appropriate subcategories.

  • Please do not submit your site if you have Affiliate links. Sites that are affiliates or lists of affiliate links that do not contain original content will not be listed.

  • Sites which are gateways to affiliate sites will not be added.

  • Sites with Adult content or links to Adult content (including Adult pop-up, advertisement windows) will not be listed in this category or sub-categories. Please submit such sites to the relevant sub-category in Adult.

  • Submit your site to one category only.

You can get drivers, and/or driver updates via these sites. Device drivers, sometimes called hardware drivers, are small blocks of software, program routines, which are used to interface between an operating system, and various hardware devices, usually peripherals. Writing them demands deep knowledge of the OS, and of a device's command language and properties. For more information, see:
This category is for websites that have driver links or downloads, for more than one operating system; includes BIOS.
Tools for diagnosing computer hardware problems.

A directory is a guide that provides an indexing of sites, categorized links, or a repository. Sometimes a directory will have a brief description, including additional information and a list of resources.

Please submit only Web sites that provide a comprehensive list of sites, categorized links or a repository for Shareware, Freeware, and Commercial software.

Please submit only Web sites that provide a comprehensive list of sites, categorized links or a repository for Shareware, Freeware, and Commercial software.

  • Find the single most appropriate category for your site.
  • Sites which are mirrors of other sites or that redirect to another site will not be listed.
  • Sites that are affiliates or lists of affiliate links that do not contain original content will not be listed.
  • If your site deals only with Software that is Freeware please submit it to Computers/Software/Freeware/ category.
  • If your site only has Shareware Software and you except submission from authors you should submit you site to Computers/Software/Shareware/
  • If your site does not except submission from authors and deals in Shareware you are at the right place to submit you site.

All sites submitted are reviewed by the directory''s editors. This description will be based on the information you provide and the review of the website.

Most modern computers store the data and programs they are not immediately using on disks: magnetic disks, called hard disks or hard drives for those that are usually built in, or floppy disks, also known as diskettes, or just floppies, for those that are regularly inserted and removed; and optical disks, often called CDs (Compact Disks): CD-ROMs (Read Only Media), CD-Rs (Recordable), and CD-RWs (Read-Write). The device that accesses a disk for a computer is called a disk drive; a hard disk is usually built in to its hard drive, so those terms are often used interchangeably. This category contains programs for working with these disks: testing, checking, scanning, repairing errors, formatting, defragmenting, using different data storage formats, such as for different operating systems, and similar utilities.
Document imaging is the conversion of paper documents into electronic images on your computer. Once on your desktop, these documents can be retrieved effortlessly in seconds. Thousands of organizations around the world use document imaging every day instead of paper filing systems. The reasons for this change are simple: Document Imaging: o Prevents lost records o Saves storage space o Manages records easily With document imaging on your computer: o Documents are found quickly o Images are available to all o File cabinets magically disappear The steps necessary to introduce document imaging are simple: Documents are scanned into the system. The document imaging system stores them somewhere on a hard drive or optical disk. The documents then get indexed. When a person later wants to read a document, they use the retrieval tools available in the document imaging system. Where they can read the documents, and who can read the documents is dependent on the access provided by the document imaging system. Scanning Major advancements in scanning technology make paper document conversion fast, inexpensive, and easy. A good scanner will make putting paper files into the your computer easy. Storage The storage system provides long-term and reliable storage for documents. A good storage system will accommodate changing documents, growing volumes and advancing technology. Indexing The index system creates an organized document filing system and makes future retrieval simple and efficient. A good indexing system will make existing procedures and systems more effective. Retrieval The retrieval system uses information about the documents, including index and text, to find images stored in the system. A good retrieval system will make finding the right documents fast and easy. Access Document viewing should be readily available to those who need it, with the flexibility to control access to system. A good access system will make documents viewable to everyone, whether in the office, at different locations, or over the Internet.
Document Management is a set of technologies for managing the "document life cycle," that is, it tracks, monitors, and allocates resources for the creation, use, revision, approval, retrieval, archival and disposal of documents. The term document used here loosely applies to any container of information, whether electronic or not, whether text or not, and whether business-critical or not. The Gartner Group defines document management as "a highly integrated set of middleware services that integrate library services, document manufacturing, and document interchange with critical business process applications around a client-server topology using open application interfaces." IDC defines document management as a software system that is capable of organizing document production, managing accessibility and distribution of volumes of textual documents and overseeing document flow.
Contains links to Document Management professional and technical associations, informational and educational websites, magazines and other publications, and non-commercial sites of general interest to the document management community. These sites must meaningfully address the management (access, revision, retrieval, archival and disposal) of any form of digital information.
An editor program allows the user to create and modify simple text files. This is as opposed to a word processor program which usually allows formatting, fonts, italics, and other stylistic devices intended to look better when printed out - an editor is simply designed to edit text. Because of this, editors are often used to write computer programs, configuration files, web pages, and other technical files that are read by other computer programs, not only by people.
Please mention which operating system or systems the program runs on. The exact price doesn''t matter, since these things change often, but do say if the program is open source, free, or shareware.
Sites providing information about software education.
Sites related to educational software do not belong here. They should instead be suggested to Computers: Software: Educational.
Software used for instruction in a variety of subject areas. Also, software used by educators and educational institutions for handling administrative tasks. Please submit to the appropriate sub category. NOTE: Computer and software training should be submitted to an appropriate subcategory of Computers/Education
Please note that this category specifically excludes online services and the suchlike - these should be sent to a relevant category in Reference/Education

Computer and software training does not belong in this cat - please send to Computers/Educational/...

Software designed to integrate complex business systems. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) software is typically used to integrate different systems or "add on" systems. EAI software is designed to simplify, aid, and support the difficult task of integrating the data and logic of already complex systems.

The systems integrated by EAI are often, but not necessarily, "enterprise" or ERP systems. EAI software works just as well with non-ERP systems. The ERP market is a target of opportunity for EAI vendors. Well known names in the EAI market include Tibco and Sun SeeBeyond.

*** This is a temporary home for this category until a more appropriate place can be found for it. EAI does not meet the guidelines established for the ERP category.

Submission Notice

All submissions will be reviewed by a volunteer editor. Please help us out. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be heavily edited, moved to another category, or deleted.

Submissions must be appropriate for the category description.

Enterprise information integration (EII) refers to software systems that can take data from a variety of internal and external sources and in different formats and treat them as a single data source.
Sometimes it can be difficult to determine if a tool is an EII, ETL, or EAI tool (or some combination of the three). Generally tools should be listed only once, so please pick the category you feel is the absolute best. Thanks.
ERP systems, software explicitly designed to work with named ERP systems, ERP consultants, and/or ERP resources.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a complete enterprise wide business solution that attempts to integrate all departments and functions in a company into a single computer system. ERP systems are defined by their breadth of functionality and completeness of coverage of all key business areas for an industry.

An ERP system consists of software modules for business areas such as: marketing and sales, field service, product design and development, production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, industrial facilities management, process design and development, manufacturing, quality, human resources, finance and accounting, and information services. Integration between the modules is stressed without the duplication of information. ERP started out as an out growth of MRP II systems, but today also includes other industry/business types such as retail, banking, public sector, utilities and education.

An ERP system consists of software modules for business areas such as: marketing and sales, field service, product design and development, production and inventory control, procurement, distribution, industrial facilities management, process design and development, manufacturing, quality, human resources, finance and accounting, and information services. Integration between the modules is stressed without the duplication of information. ERP started out as an out growth of MRP II systems, but today also includes other industry/business types such as retail, banking, public sector, utilities and education.


This category and its sub-categories are focused on ERP systems, or software explicitly designed to work with named ERP systems, or ERP Consultants, or ERP Resources. ERP systems are known by their breadth and completeness of coverage of all key business areas for an industry. Inappropriate or unrelated sites may see a delay in listing, as they will be moved to a proper category.

TITLE: Enter your company name only.

DESCRIPTION: You should be concise, factual, and objective as possible - no editorializing, marketing or "spin". A clear and concise description including your product names, services, specific ERP system names, industry(s) for which it is designed, and features of the website. Any submitted description may be edited to follow the directory guidelines.ODP Directory Guidelines (complete version).

Add-on, ERP related, or "Enterprise" software. Add-on software must either be: a) designed specifically for, b) have special features specifically designed for, or c) be already integrated with, a named ERP system.

Non-English sites should go to appropriate language category in

The file is the basic unit of data storage on most computers. Software itself is stored in files, data for that software is stored in files, data handled by software is stored in files. This category contains links dedicated to the software for organizing, comparing, sorting, searching, compressing, and otherwise dealing with files in general. The "file management" programs that do this are also sometimes just called "utilities", because all this is a fairly abstract concept.
Software for font file creation, organization, manipulation, conversion, display, printing, etc.

Freeware is software which is available for use by anyone or a specified class or group, without payment of any fees. Because it may or may not be in the public domain, it is always safest to assume that a freeware program is protected by copyright even though no fee is charged for its use. In some cases, source code is provided or is freely available. See Open Source

Freeware should never be confused with Shareware or with software that may not be currently or actively supported by its authors or publishers, sometimes referred to as Abandonware

Sites that link to other sites for downloads are not considered collections, but rather directories. Such sites should be submitted to Computers/Software/Freeware/Directories.
This category is the umbrella category for links to resources in the areas of software globalization, internationalization and localization.
Character sets that relate to specific alphabets should go in the relevant subcategory.

Technical information to do with Unicode only should go in the Unicode subcategory.

This category is intended for the graphic software programs and utilities associated with the creation and manipulation of digital graphics.

Two techniques are used for creating and maintaining pictures in a computer. The first method called "vector graphics," which maintains the image as a series of points, lines, arcs and other geometric shapes.

The second method called "bitmapped graphics" and also known as "raster graphics," they resemble a television, where the picture image is made up of dots. Understanding these two techniques and how they interweave is crucial.

Thank you.

Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

Please submit only Web Sites that provide Graphic Software solutions for Businesses or Personal computer users.

  • Find the single most appropriate category for your site.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • Sites which are mirrors of other sites or that redirect to another site will not be listed.
  • Sites that are affiliates or lists of affiliate links that do not contain original content will not be listed.
  • Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate World/ category.
  • Sites in the directory are subject to changes in placement, description and possible removal from the directory, based on this review.
  • Personal portfolios and Galleries of work created with these tools should be submitted to either the Arts/Visual_Arts/Computer_Graphics/3D/ or Arts/Visual_Arts/Computer_Graphics/Artists/ categories.
  • Professional development services that utilize some of these tools should be submitted to the Computers/Software/Consultants/ or the Computers/Companies/ category. �

All sites submitted are reviewed by the directory''s editors. This description will be based on the information you provide and the review of the website. Sites will be placed in the single most applicable and highest category based on our review. Sites which are continually submitted to the directory, using either a main url, mirrors or sub-pages, will be banned.

What is a groupware ? A groupware is a program that allows several people to work together in a simpler and more productive way than only using email. A groupware is strongly network oriented and provides some tools making it possible to distant people to communicate in a synchronous or asynchronous way. For example, it will be possible for users to share files, or even to store them on a server and to work with them at the same time. A lot of tools can be integrated in a groupware. That's why it is so important to remain extensible.
Please submit specific groupware links to the proper category.

What is a groupware ?

A groupware is a program that allows several people to work together in a simpler and more productive way than only using email. A groupware is strongly network oriented and provides some tools making it possible to distant people to communicate in a synchronous or asynchronous way. For example, it will be possible for users to share files, or even to store them on a server and to work with them at the same time. A lot of tools can be integrated in a groupware. That''s why it is so important to remain extensible.

The Help Desk category contains companies who design, publish and/or support software designed to automate Help Desk, PC Inventory, Auditing and related operations.
The Help Desk Software sites submitted to this category should specifically embrace asset management as a major function.
Sites about the history of software and/or of the software industry.
Human Resources professionals and line managers use many types of software to facilitate their management duties. This category is for that type of software which is neither industry nor process specific, but simply used to perform common tasks in any organization that has employees. This general category is for integrated HR (usually database) systems with varying degrees of front-end functionality and integration with other systems (including those systems found in the subcategories of this one).
Please submit only sites related to human resources that pertain to testing and evaluation software. Examples of such software would be skills testing, performance evaluation, aptitude testing, personality assessment or knowledge testing software.
This category contains companies that develop software for use in entertainment industry specific applications - for example, radio and television broadcasting, audio recording, lighting design, and show control.

Please submit to the appropriate subcategory when possible.

Sites contained here relate to tools which facilitate the retrieval of information from computer-based repositories. There are numerous related topics where specific types of sites may be placed. Software for offline archiving of data belongs in Computers/Software/Backup/. Tools for working with bibliographic material belong in Reference/Libraries/Library_and_Information_Science/Technical_Services/Cataloguing/Bibliographic_Utilities/. Web search engines and clients belong Computers/Internet/WWW/Searching_the_Web/Search_Engines/ and Computers/Software/Internet/Clients/Search/, respectively.
Please submit only sites which talks about Web data clustering: 1) Web page clustering (for instance, to find similar pages) 2) Web Snippets clustering (search engines''answers clustering)
Software for managing internet sites, authoring web materials or network management.
This category is for sites which concern Internet authoring software - the products, not the act of authoring itself which is covered elsewhere within the Open Directory Project.

Consider whether your site might be better placed in the Computers: Software: Shareware or Computers: Software: Freeware categories.

Utilities which manipulate graphics belong in subcategories of Computers: Graphics.

Notice to web designers and design firms:

Please DO NOT submit your sites unless they concern a particular piece of web authoring software. Web designers should submit sites which advertise their services to the appropriate subcategory of Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development.

To this category, please submit only links about licensing issues related to Microsoft Corporation. Other Microsoft links should go in other Microsoft categories.
Software for assisting in some way with the making of goods.
The category Computers/Software/Manufacturing contains software manufacturers and resellers that provide manufacturing solutions. Please look for a subcategory before submitting your site in this cat. There are several subcategories and each one has a tighter focus than this category.

Integrators and consultants should not post their submission to this category. Please find the appropriate ODP category for your site. Thank you.

This category and its sub categories include entries for software that can assist in marketing. Please see the most appropriate sub category. Entries will only appear in this category when there is substantial content covering two or more of its sub categories.
This category and its sub categories include entries for software that can assist in marketing.

Please see the most appropriate sub category. Entries will only appear in this category when there is substantial content covering two or more of its sub categories.

Master data, also called reference data, defines subjects such as products, customers, suppliers and brands. When effectively managed, it provides a consistent context against which business performance can be measured. Gartner describes master data in various master domains including:

  • Customer Information Management (CIM) or Customer Data Integration (CDI)
  • Finance Information Management (FIM)
  • Product Information Management (PIM)
  • Supplier Information Management (SIM)
  • On the market you will find generalist tools as well as tools that take a specialist approach for one of the sub-categories. The goal of master data management tools is to allow business to create 'one version of the truth' or a 'golden copy' of the data being managed. This reduces duplication and redundancy and can enable communication across disparate systems and across the enterprise.
    This category is for software related to the master data space. Consultants and System Integrators should submit to the Consultants subcategory.
    Software specifically for networking and networking-related issues.
    Software specifically for networking and networking-related issues.
    A listing of object oriented software. If you don't see what you're looking for here, check the individual subject areas, especially for topics pertaining to particular technologies.
    Software suites are bundles of several programs together that perform essential, common, functions in some area of activity. Many types of suites exist, for varied uses, most of which are vertical applications: accounting, manufacturing, real estate, some area of science, etc. Office Suites are the most common and general type of software suite. They are bundles of several programs together that perform essential, common office functions. They usually include a word processor, spreadsheet, presentation program, some kind of data base, and likely other features such as drawing/charting programs, calendar management, email, a web browser, and generic office management services other than those listed.
    This category is only a list of Office Suites and closely related links. Please submit nothing else here, or it will be deleted. If you sell office suites, please submit to the proper business category. Thank you.
    Sites providing their own online courses (not pdf or classroom please) in software or computer related skills.
    Sites providing THEIR OWN online interactive multimedia courses in software or computer related skills. If you are a reseller of content developed by a company already listed then please do not submit your site here (maybe submit to a regional category).
    Operating systems (OSs) do many things: it is the block of software that runs in the memory of a computer which mediates between the hardware below and application(s) above; provides consistent access to various hardware for user programs such as applications and utilities; multiplexes hardware resources between two or more processes, programs, users; provides some common services to all software via an application programming (or protocol) interface (API); allocates memory and storage; schedules tasks. On this page, OSs are arranged in three groups and levels: 1) Top group: issues spanning multiple unrelated OSs. 2) Middle group: types or classes of OS, or OSs for which there are more than one instance of an OS of this name/type, an OS family. 3) Bottom group: specific OSs, individual instances; there is only one OS of this name/type, with its own category, and non-trivial, useful running code (more than a boot loader), and/or a body of worthwhile readings. It cannot be merely a new project with no significant code.
    WARNING: If you submit to this category, please be very sure your submission belongs here, and not in a subcategory. Example: If your submission relates to Linux, then before submitting, go to Computers/Software/Operating_Systems/Linux and find a suitable subcategory there.

    If you do not follow this direction, it will likely be a very long time before your submission is processed. Thank you.

    Presentation software helps the user communicate with an audience using a combination of words and pictures. Presentation software shares some of the attributes of Business Drawing software, but is focused more on a laying out a glossy finshed presentation than on rendering a technically accurate diagram.
    Project management covers different activities aimed at organizing, planning, staffing, directing and controlling the project activities, for one project or a portfolio of projects (program management) in different fields such as construction, software systems or marketing activities.
    Project management software can help in estimating, planning, evaluating project risk or controlling project resources and costs.
    Please submit in this category only English sites about project management software. Submitting in the appropriate category can speed up the listing of your site. For sites specialized in a particular area choose one of the following:
    Consulting companies specialized in project management,
    Other resources in project management,
    Programming methodologies,
    Internet collaboration tools,
    Quality control and tracking software.
    If you're interested in renting your applications or having them provided on a "subscription" or leasing basis, here is one place to look. More and more we will be hearing about "Application Service Providers" who can provision us with many of the applications we use on a day to day business, while letting us outsource all the unpleasant system administration and application maintenance details.
    Please submit only sites providing software via the rental model to this category, or sites with educational information regarding how to rent software.
    This category focuses on online and physical site retailers of software.
    This category is for sites or businesses selling software.

    Hardware/Software sites should be submitted to Computers:Hardware:Retailers.

    Consulting firms and/or software developers should submit their site to an open directory category covering their area of expertise or functionality of the software.

    Please also review the Computers:Shopping FAQ.

    A Search Engine is a Web site connected to a database that catalogs other Web sites. It will search the actual text of other Web sites for you. A computer search program, or spider, follows links on Web pages to regularly and automatically rebuild this database. (This is as opposed to a Directory, which is a static database of links, usually built up by human editors.)

    This category contains sites dedicated, exclusively, to searching for software.

    This category lists sites that are, dedicated exclusively, to searching for Software by using a Search Engine.

    Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

    • Submit only Software Search Engines to this area.
    • Please don''t submit directories here, they belong in Computers/Software/Directories/.
    • The Open Directory editors reserve the right to delete sites under construction, duplicate domains or submissions and sites submitted to incorrect categories.

    Before submitting your site, please review the Guidelines for Submitting a Site.
    Shareware is a popular software marketing method, "try before you buy" software. It is called "shareware" because users are encouraged to "share" the initial version with others, to let them try it out also. The trial period is usually limited in time, such as 30-60 days, or a limited number of uses. Then after the trial period you are expected to purchase (register) the program, to receive the right to continue using it. If you don't use the product further, you don't have to pay for it. Upon purchasing the program, you may also receive an updated program, or a printed manual, or a password key to remove any "please register" "nag" screens. This manual or "registered" program is no longer shareware, and should not be "shared" further, only the initial version should be redistributed. Trialware, Crippleware, and Liteware (LT) are other names for shareware. Liteware is offered with certain capabilities disabled as an enticement to buy the complete version of the program. The prices for shareware vary from program to program. Usually when you download a shareware program the price and registration information will be in a .TXT or .DOC or READ.ME file. If you are using Windows the information will probably be found in the .HLP file. Shareware can be of good or poor quality, and the same copyright laws apply to all commercial software including shareware, with the copyright holder retaining all rights not specifically given away.
    Please submit your links to a suitable subcategory of this category. There are many to choose from, so please choose carefully.

    Sites with software product that are not finished, and other sites under construction for other reasons should not be submitted until they are complete.

    Thank you.

    Software engineering is a broadly defined discipline involving the development, architecture or 'engineering' of software systems. It integrates the many aspects of programming, from requirement gathering, initial planning, writing and maintaining code, meeting budgets, all to produce affordable, quality software.
    This category is for Software Engineering related sites. Submitting sites that do not fit this criteria may delay their review.

    Sites that offer custom development or consulting services should be submitted in Computers/Software/Consultants.

    Sites about software for use in other engineering disciplines, such as Chemical and Civil Engineering, should be submitted to a proper category in Science/Technology/Engineering/Software_for.

    Sites about software for use in software development, such as compilers, Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), documentation tools, should be submitted to a proper category in Computers/Programming/Development_Tools.

    Submit sites that pertain to the process, training or skills (rather than software) to an appropriate sub-category of Computers/Programming.

    Submit sites in non-English languages to a proper category in the World categories.

    A spreadsheet is a computer program organizing cells, containing numbers, dates, or text, into columns and rows. Then the values of these cells are used in formulas in other cells to give results. When a number is changed in one place, the results of other cells change immediately. This is extremely useful for business forecasting, bookkeeping, and so forth.
    "Typesetting" is the rendering of letterforms on visible media. Examples are the words (not the graphics) on the printed pages of a book, or the words on the display of your computer screen. Software for typesetting covers a broad range: software appropriate for typesetting a phone book will be of little help in preparing a magazine. Also, it is frequently difficult to separate the "software" from the "system," so this category will include proprietary typesetting systems. One can't set type without fonts, so we will address fonts here. We will also provide links to related technologies and information such as digital type design and research on human perception of type.
    Computer programs for the creation of text documents, intended to be printed and viewed by people. Although there are still machines dedicated only to word processing, most word processing is performed on general-purpose computers using word processing software. Most word processing programs allow text editing, word wrap and centering, search and replace, text move and copy, layout settings such as margins, line spacing, font changes, underlining, boldface, italics, headers, footers, page numbers, print preview, and similar functions, dedicated to affecting the look of the content after printing. Many allow insertion of graphics, or clip art.
    Workflow management deals with the coordination and control of business processes through software. Alternative terms for workflow management are: Business Process Automation (BPA), Business Process Management (BPM), and Workflow Automation. The top level workflow category lists organizations, standards bodies, and resources relating to promotion of, and/or interoperability of workflow technology and systems. Sub-categories include: Workflow Research, Products, and Consulting Services.
    Please consider submitting to the appropriate sub-level category (Products, Research, or Consulting Services) before submitting your entry here.