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This is for SOFTWARE to help write lesson plans. Software is something installed on one''s own computer and runs from there.

More general sites about lesson planning or offering lesson plans for download or review are at Reference/Education/Educators/K_through_12/Lesson_Plans.

"Web-based" programs are NOT software and won''t go in this category. Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Technology/Online_Services is where they should be sent.

This is for SOFTWARE to help write lesson plans. Software is something installed on one's own computer and runs from there.

More general sites about lesson planning or offering lesson plans for download or review are at Reference/Education/Educators/K_through_12/Lesson_Plans.

"Web-based" programs are NOT software and won't go in this category. Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Technology/Online_Services is where they should be sent.

This is for SOFTWARE to help write lesson plans. Software is something installed on one''s own computer and runs from there.

More general sites about lesson planning or offering lesson plans for download or review are at Reference/Education/Educators/K_through_12/Lesson_Plans.

"Web-based" programs are NOT software and won''t go in this category. Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Technology/Online_Services is where they should be sent.

This includes all software that allows or helps in the creation of assessments, tests, quizzes or examinations.