If you do not follow this direction, it will likely be a very long time before your submission is processed. Thank you.
Be sure to not submit non-operational URLs or sites under construction. If your site has restrictions of any kind, please don't forget to point it out.
Sites in other languages than English must be submitted to the appropriate language category (/World).
Please submit your site only to one category and only with the main URL. Remember that subpages usually aren't listed.
Only sites that do not fit in one subcategory go here. For example, many sites discuss z/VM and VSE/ESA, as both are often used together on one mainframe.
Mainframe application software developers are listed in Computers/Companies/Software_Development/Mainframes.
To avoid delay in listing, please review prior to submission:
The ODP reserves the right to alter or replace a proposed description at any time at its sole discretion and editorial judgment.
1) Can be made as secure as traditional systems.
2) Are not inherently less efficient than traditional systems.
3) Improve performance over traditional systems on some types of important applications.
4) Give a dual cost advantage: lower initial cost, lower incremental cost.