Play-by-mail gaming involves strategic or roleplaying
games which are played via email or postal mail.
Typcially each player will send his or her orders to
the moderator, or GM, who will determine what happened
in the game for the particular turn, and send updates
to each player.
Computer-moderated PBEM (play-by-email) gaming uses
a computer program as the moderator instead of a human.
PBEM Chess or checker games, or any board game of conquest between two sides.
E-Mail games that don't really qualify as regular games with a concrete set of rules and a clear objective. The rules and objective may change, part of the game may be discovering the rules and objective, or it just may be something closer to entertainment then a regular game.
Nomic played entirely through a web site (no e-mail lists required) go in Games: Internet: Web: Nomic.
PBEM Chess or checker games, or any board game of conquest between two sides.PBEM Chess or checker games, or any board game of conquest between two sides, using simples game pieces.
PBEM Chess or checker games, or any board game of conquest between two sides.