My Account
Devoted to the learning, playing, buying, and selling of the collectible card game (CCG) Magic: the Gathering created by Richard Garfield and Wizards of the Coast.
Sites that have a considerable amount of the following should be submitted at this level: 1) Articles about strategy. 2) Deck suggestions. 3) A forum or some sort of chat link within the site 4) Copious and detailed descriptions of player experience/information regarding MTG. 5) Rules and explanations. 6) Links to other sites.

Sites that are more of a small personal collection of the above should be submitted to Personal_Pages.

This subcategory is for sites that are primarily a forum, bulletin board, or chatroom about Magic the Gathering.
Please submit a description along with the URL of your communication tool. For example:

Title: Magic the Gathering Discussion Forum

Description: A tool designed to encourage active interaction between visitors and webmasters alike. Features discussion on deck suggestions, general ideas, as well as a place for merchants to trade.

This category is for personal sites covering topics such as deck lists, have/want lists for trade, personal favorites, and other fan related topics.
Please submit only sites that are casual in nature. Sites with the webmaster''s name in the site name usually belongs here (e.g. Jack''s Magic Homepage).
This category is for sites providing Magic: the Gathering reference information on a focussed topic such as card lists, combos, official information, scans etc. The information should be very comprehensive and not found easily elsewhere.
This category is for sites offering software, downloads, or databases useful to a Magic: the Gathering player, such as solitaire play or deck building and management.
Sites for software that facilitate online play should be submitted to the Online subcategory.
This category is for sites primarily focused on tournaments, active teams or clubs, and various game playing schedules. Many of these sites have a regional focus, which should be included in the description.
This category is for sites devoted solely and extensively to trading Magic - The Gathering cards. Sites that are personal pages and include want/have or trade lists should be submitted to Personal_Pages.
Sites which deal mainly with Magic the Gathering.
Please only submit if the majority of the content of your blog is related to Magic the Gathering.