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The Star Trek: Elite Force Series is a series of games in a three dimensional first person shooter environment based on various elements from the many TV series and movies that uses the Quake III engine.
A clan and/or guild is a group of players that have formed a sort of team to play a multiplayer version of a game. They often play together, helping each other to improve. Clans often compete against each other, whether informally, as an impromptu match, or in organized leagues and tournaments. Some clans are open and always looking for new players, others require you to be invited from a member. Clan members often put a "tag" in their player name, with a combination of symbols and letters, to indicate which clan they are a part of. These are clans focusing on multiple games in the Star Trek: Elite Force Series and resources relating to clans and clan events.
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force is a three dimensional first person shooter game based in the time of the TV series that uses the Quake III engine. There are both single and multiplayer options. Single player takes place much like an television episode where the player is a part of a "Hazard Team" which goes on away missions. The multiplayer option plays like many previous multiplayer games such as Half-Life and Quake, but now in the Star Trek Universe.
Release History
Title Date Region Platform
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2000-09-15 Europe Windows
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2000-09-20 North America Windows
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2000-11-24 North America MacOS
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2001-12-06 North America PlayStation 2
Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force 2002-08-02 Europe PlayStation 2
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  • Submit sites whose main focus is some type or types of modification to Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. Anything else will be moved or deleted.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
In this sequel players resume the role of Alexander Munro, chief of the Hazard Team, Starfleet's elite security unit. Now assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC 1701-E, players will explore strange new worlds, battle against both new and familiar civilizations and go on the most dangerous assignments in the galaxy. Elite Force II is due to be released in early 2003. Source: Elite Force II Press Release
Release History
Title Date Region Platform
Star Trek: Elite Force II 2003-06-20 Europe Windows
Star Trek: Elite Force II 2003-06-25 North America Windows