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This category is a comprehensive list of emulation and development resources about the two console ranges marketed by NEC/TTi : the PC Engine (including its North American counterpart, the TurboGrafx) and the PC-FX.
Please submit only sites specifically dealing with PC Engine and PC-FX hardware/software emulation and development. General information and fandom pages should be listed under Games: Video Games: Console Platforms: NEC.

Sites dealing with ROM images are allowed, providing that they do not include any reference to Nintend� ROMs.

This category is a comprehensive list of emulation and development resources about the PC Engine console range (including its North American counterpart, the TurboGrafx) marketed by NEC/TTi.
Please submit only sites specifically dealing with PC Engine hardware/software emulation and development. General information and fandom pages should be listed under Games: Video Games: Console Platforms: NEC.

Sites dealing with ROM images are allowed, providing that they do not include any reference to Nintend� ROMs.