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Korean manufacturer of GP32, GP2X, and soon to launch the XGP.
Sites covering the GamePark 32 (GP32) can be submitted here.

Sites covering particular games should be submitted to the appropriate category for that game.

Created by Korea-based GamePark, this hand-held console (also known as the GamePark 32) runs on an ARM9 RISC CPU running at 66 MHz with 8 MB RAM, and offers USB connectivity and wireless RF technology for multiplayer gameplay. The screen is a 3.5 inch thin file transistor (TFT) with a resolution of 320x240 and 65,536 colors. The unit is generally only popular in Korea and has spawned a number of homebrew development efforts.
Sites covering the GamePark 32 (GP32) can be submitted here.

Sites covering particular games should be submitted to the appropriate category for that game.