A series of three games where players must reconstruct the world around them. While the games are considered a series, they have little in common other than this basic premise. The first game was Soul Blazer, followed by Illusion of Gaia, and finally the Japanese-only Terranigma.
The series appeared only on the Super Nintendo.
All sites dealing primarily with the Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, or Terranigma can be submitted to this category.
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Use your site''s actual title.
Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content).
Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
Do not use marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!)
Avoid using terms such as much more, lots, more, or anything else that would indicate that there is more to your site than what is in the description. Take the time to list out what the site has instead of using these terms.
Your description should resemble descriptions of sites already listed in the category.