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Sites about Wasteland, its immediate derivatives, significant ports of either, and relevant gaming strategies or reviews constitute the class of submissions suitable for inclusion.

Adherence to the following guidelines will hasten the acceptance of submissions:

  • Use the site''s actual title.
  • The description should resemble existing category entries:
    • Briefly summarize existing content (25 words or less).
    • Avoid first-person wordings (e.g. "we", "my").
    • Avoid site marketing (e.g. "Most awesome site ever!").
    • Avoid calls to action (e.g. "Check it out!").
    • Avoid teasers (e.g. "...and much more!").
Released in 1986, Wasteland is a post-apocalyptic multi-character roleplaying game for the Apple, Commodore 64 and IBM PC. It is widely regarded as one of the best CRPGs ever released and has worn numerous awards over the years. Two other games based on the Wasteland engine were released in 1990, "Fountain of Dreams" and "Escape From Hell". A sequel "Meantime" was planned but never completed. The critically acclaimed Fallout Series is commonly thought of as its spiritual descendant.

Sites about Wasteland, its immediate derivatives, significant ports of either, and relevant gaming strategies or reviews constitute the class of submissions suitable for inclusion.

Adherence to the following guidelines will hasten the acceptance of submissions:

  • Use the site''s actual title.
  • The description should resemble existing category entries:
    • Briefly summarize existing content (25 words or less).
    • Avoid first-person wordings (e.g. "we", "my").
    • Avoid site marketing (e.g. "Most awesome site ever!").
    • Avoid calls to action (e.g. "Check it out!").
    • Avoid teasers (e.g. "...and much more!").
All sites dealing primarily with Wild ARMs as a series can be submitted to this category.

Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content).
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Do not use marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!)
  • Avoid using terms such as much more, lots, more, or anything else that would indicate that there is more to your site than what is in the description. Take the time to list out what the site has instead of using these terms.
  • Your description should resemble descriptions of sites already listed in the category.
Wizardry is considered the big granddaddy of computer fantasy role-playing games. One of the most ground breaking (and copied) computer role-playing games ever made, it was the first popular game to combine the elements of fantasy games like Dungeons and Dragons with what was then an infantile computer game market. The games of the Wizardry Series have developed in complexity over time, but the basic game structure - which involves commanding a party of adventurers as they explore dungeons, fight monsters, and obtain artifacts while completing their special quest - has remained intact, and the games retain their popularity. Scenarios 1-7 of the Wizardry Series were published in one CD by Interplay, while Wizardry 8 is currently in production at Sirtech Canada. Sites devoted to more than one scenario are located in the main Wizardry Series directory, and sites focusing on one individual game are located in folders for that particular scenario.
A party-based RPG for the PC published by Activision. The game is the work of D.W. Bradley, creator of Wizardry 5-7. Wizards & Warriors bills itself as a full-fledged RPG, and promises over 100 hours of gameplay. Under development since 1996, the game was released in September 2000. Initial reviews were good, although several fans had requested that a patch be made to fix bugs in the game. On Dec-8-2000, Heuristic Park, the game's developer, released an unofficial patch (one not sanctioned by Activision, the game's distributor) for the game.