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Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit sites whose main focus is Deadly Dozen. Anything else will be moved or deleted.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
In Deadly Dozen, players infiltrate German occupied territory with a squad of military misfits.
Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit sites whose main focus is Deadly Dozen. Anything else will be moved or deleted.
  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Don''t bother using marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!) Marketing verbiage is removed.
  • All sites are reviewed periodically.
Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Do not use marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!)
  • Avoid using terms such as much more, lots, more, or anything else that would indicate that there is more to your site than what is in the description. Take the time to list out what the site has instead of using these terms.
  • Your description should look like the ones in the rest of the category. If they don''t you did something wrong and you need to fix it.

  • All sites dealing primarily with Dead to Rights can be submitted to this category.

    If the site has frames you may also want to add that to the description. If the site requires components such as Shockwave add that to the description as well.

    Claiming to have anything in the description that your site does not have may result in your site not being listed. Not following these guidelines will result in your site not being listed.

Submitted sites should have content about Black Hawk Down.
Pages for all versions of the first 3D game...Descent! Outrage Entertainment/Volition, Inc.
Please submit only home pages of Descent gaming groups and organizations such as clans, leagues and ladders.
A first person shooter using the Unreal engine from Arush Entertainment and Groove Games.
b>Dino Stalker is a shooter game for the Sony PlayStation 2 released in 2002. It is produced by Capcom.

World War II. Fighter down. Pilot Lt. Mike Wired's plane takes heavy damage during a dogfight over the Atlantic. Forced to eject...he's suddenly enveloped in a blinding flash of white light and being guided towards an ominous jungle below. Everything around him has changed. The distant moan of strange beasts. An unfamiliar weapon appears in his hand. A thundering roar and crashing trees give way to an impossible sight...beasts from another time. What’s happening? ... this can’t be good.

Following these guidelines will allow us to add your site to the directory as quickly as possible.

  • Submit your site using your main url.
  • Use your site''s actual title.
  • Create a brief description, under 25 words, listing the current content of your site (not the future content)
  • Do not use first person verbiage (we, our, us).
  • Do not use marketing verbiage. (We''re the best!, Most awesome site, Check it Out!)
  • Avoid using terms such as much more, lots, more, or anything else that would indicate that there is more to your site than what is in the description. Take the time to list out what the site has instead of using these terms.
  • Your description should look like the ones in the rest of the category. If they don''t you did something wrong and you need to fix it.

  • All sites dealing primarily with Final Dino Stalker can be submitted to this category.

    Description Examples:

    1. Character information, MIDI files, image gallery, enemies, item lists and message board.

    2. Character profiles, map, walkthrough and images.

    If the site has frames you may also want to add that to the description. If the site requires components such as Shockwave add that to the description as well.

    Claiming to have anything in the description that your site does not have may result in your site not being listed. Not following these guidelines will result in your site not being listed.

The "Doom" series of computer games from id Software (including Doom, Doom 2, Ultimate Doom, Final Doom, Master Levels of Doom, and Doom 3), and 3rd party add-ons and modifications for these games.
Duke Nukem is a popular figure at the center of many computer games across many platforms created by Apogee.
Submitted sites should have game information, and various content. If the site does not have Duke Nukem content, it belongs in another, more appropriate category.