Sites in other languages must be submitted in the appropriate World subcategory.
All submission descriptions must be free from self-aggrandizing hype. Any such language will be either immediately removed or your submission will be deleted.
Submissions for sites under construction will be deleted. Sites in this category must be in English. Sites which are banner ad farms or pop-up minefields will not be accepted. The ODP does not list redirection or vanity urls. Please submit the url of your webpage''s server only. Submissions must be FREE FROM ALL HYPE.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site unrelated to Half-Life, or submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to other sites will be deleted and may be permanently banned.
Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another''s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable will not be included in the index.
To reduce the chances of rejection it is highly advised that you first read the category FAQ as well as follow these guidelines:
The editors reserve the right to reject your site, and to edit or delete it after inclusion. Multiple or deceptive submissions, especially to inappropriate categories, will not be tolerated.