Creatures is a series of artificial-life simulation games by Creature Labs. The goal of the games is to create a thriving population of Norns - little furry animals - and keep them safe and well. Unlike other games though, each Norn has its own fully mapped DNA sequence, defining physical appearance, personality, and capabilities, just like a real living creature. The worlds they inhabit are made up of individual interactive agents. There are many fan sites on the Internet, where you can find Norns and other Creatures to download, as well as new agents. For more on Creatures and the online Creatures Community, click here.
Please submit only fan-sites dealing with Creatures in this category. Sites selling Creatures games should be listed under Shopping. If your site is exclusively dedicated to C1, C2, C3/DS or CV then please submit to the relevant category.
Please only submit sites exclusively dedicated to Creatures 2 in this category. Sites additionally dedicated to other Creatures games should be listed in the main Games/Video_Games/Simulation/Creatures_Series category.