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Biofeedback is a form of alternative medicine that involves measuring a subject's quantifiable bodily functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, skin temperature, sweating, and muscle tension, conveying the information to the patient in real-time. This raises the patient's awareness and conscious control of their unconscious physiological activities.
Sites listed in these categories will provide primarily non-commercial information relating to biofeedback.

Sites with a focus on selling a product will NOT be listed here, and should be sent to Shopping/Health/Alternative/Biofeedback.

Sites listed here will represent centers or individual practitioners offering biofeedback services to consumers.
Sites listed here will represent educational institutions, distance learning, and other courses teaching biofeedback to consumers and health professionals.
However, if the main focus of the site is on offering biofeedback services it belongs in Health/Alternative/Biofeedback/Clinics_and_Practitioners, even if there is some education as well.
Sites listed here will represent organizations and associations for biofeedback practitioners and professionals in the field.