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This category is for mixed animal practitioners (veterinarians and others) of complementary and alternative healing methods which are alternatives to the western scientific/medicine (allopathic) remedies. This category is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites (although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered).
Commercial sites whose primary purpose is to sell a product should be submitted to Shopping/Pets/Health or Shopping/Sports/Equestrian/Healthcare_and_Grooming or to another relevant category in Shopping.

Sites on Animal Communication should be submitted to Society/Paranormal/Psychic/Animals.

Sites on animal clinical nutrition or animal diets should be submitted to: Recreation/Pets/(choose appropriate pet)/Health/Nutrition, or Sports/Equestrian/Health_Care/Nutrition , or Business/Industries/Agriculture_and_Forestry/Livestock/(choose appropriate animal).

This category is for small animal practitioners (veterinarians and others) of complementary and alternative healing methods which are alternatives to the western scientific/medicine (allopathic) remedies. Small animals include dogs, cats and other small mammal companion animals, except horses and other large animals or livestock, birds, reptiles and amphibians. This category is intended for educative, service-oriented, non-commercial sites (although commercial sites with valuable educative content will be considered).
Commercial sites whose primary purpose is to sell a product should be submitted to Shopping/Pets/Health or to another relevant category in Shopping.

Sites on Animal Communication should be submitted to Society/Paranormal/Psychic/Animals.

Sites on animal clinical nutrition or animal diets should be submitted to: Recreation/Pets/(choose appropriate pet)/Health/Nutrition.