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This category is for informational sites about the health and well-being of horses and other equines.
Sites listed here will contain information about this specialty. Sites containing only service or clinic details will be listed in the subcategory.
Sites whose primary purpose is to sell products for equines should be submitted to Healthcare and Grooming.
This category incorporates all the sites that are specific to internal and external equine diseases and ailments.
Care of horses' teeth may be undertaken by a specially trained veterinarian, equine dental technician or equine dentist.
Sites listed here will contain information about this specialty. Sites containing only service or clinic details will be listed in the subcategory.
Open to all sites that provide information on all aspects of grooming for performance and/or equestrian activities.
Massage therapy is new science based upon old principles of managing sports related pain and injury through careful attention to the underlying muscle, bone, and tissue structures of the horse and/or rider.
Open to all sites devoted to equine sports massage therapy, therapists, and related massage information for horses and riders.
This category includes information on equine foods and food supplements including, vitamins, minerals and herbs as well as information on feeding practices.
It is not for commercial sites selling nutritional products.
This category is for informational sites only.
Sites whose primary purpose is to sell a nutritional product for equines should be submitted to Shopping.
As much art as science, managing a horse breeding farm requires a wide range of skills and resources. Equine reproduction deals with stallion, mare and foal management.