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A disease in which malignant cells form in tubules of the kidney. Also known as renal cell cancer or renal adenocarcinoma.
Submit sites about cancer found in the kidney. Also known as renal cell or renal adenocarcinoma.
A rare type of Kidney cancer that can spread.
Submit sites about the rare type of cancer known as Clear Cell Sarcoma of the Kidney.
Neuroepithelial tumors of the kidney are tumors that grow and spread quickly. At diagnosis, these tumors have often spread to the outer layer of the kidney, the veins of the kidney, and to other parts of the body.
Submit sites about the childhood cancer known as Neuroepithelial Tumor of the Kidney.
A type of cancer that grows and spreads quickly. At diagnosis, children are usually younger than 1 year and may have fever, blood in the urine, and advanced cancer. This tumor type tends to spread to the lungs and the brain.
Submit sites about the type of childhood cancer known as Rhabdoid Tumor of the Kidney.
Sites in this category serve the support needs of people with Kidney Cancer or similar conditions. The sites provide information and resources. Many sites provide up to the minuet news on issues related to health. All sites listed are interactive - you will find message boards & chat areas. You are encouraged to read each sites PRIVACY POLICY. Use these sites for educational & support purposes only. They should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider.
A disease in which cancer cells are found in certain parts of the kidney. The malignant cells are known as nephroblasts. Another name for this disease is Nephtoblastoma.