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This category deals with conditions and diseases pertaining to the ear.
Submit only sites about conditions and diseases pertaining specifically to the ear to this category.

Sites must be in English.

Sites that offer medical services to a specific area should be submitted to a Regional category instead.

Sites selling products will not be listed here and should be submitted to a proper Shopping category.

Cholesteatomas are benign tumors in cases where a perforation of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) does not heal without surgery,but instead grows through the hole into the middle ear and, if infectiondevelops, results in a cyst-like tumor.
Submit English language sites about Cholesteatoma to this area.
Contains sites for congenital conditions, the primary symptoms of which relate to the ear.
Hyperacusis is a health condition characterized by an over-sensitivity to certain frequency ranges of sound.
Mastoiditis is an infection of the mastoid process, the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear.
An inner ear disorder that can affect both hearing and balance; can cause vertigo, hearing loss, tinnitus, and the sensation of fullness in the ear.
Otitis externa, or swimmer's ear, is an inflammation of the outer ear and ear canal.
Otitis media or glue ear is a common but poorly understood condition where fluid builds up in the middle ear.
Otosclerosis is a hearing condition in which the stapes in the ear becomes attached to the surrounding bone by an abnormal bone growth. Sound transmission is progressively impaired so that hearing in the affected ear deteriorates.
Submit sites that pertain to this condition.

Sites must be in the English language. Non-English sites should be submitted to a World category instead.

A perforated eardrum is a hole or tear in the eardrum.
Tinnitus, "ringing ears" or ear noise is a phenomenon of the nervous system connected to the ear, characterised by perception of a ringing or beating sound (often perceived as sinusoidal) with no external source.
Please submit only sites that are about tinnitus to this area. Sites submitted must be in English.

Sites selling products or treatments, should be submitted to Shopping: Health: Conditions and Diseases: Ear, Nose and Throat: Tinnitus instead.