Dentistry practices will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located. Submitting a practice site here may result in a delay in being listed in the directory.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Please do NOT suggest a dental practice here, as it will greatly delay review. Instead, please send to the correct Regional category.
Practices offering pediatric dentistry will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will be deleted.
Dental practices will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located. Submitting a practice site here may result in a delay in being listed in the directory.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will be deleted.
Practices offering cosmetic dentistry will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located. A practice site submitted here will be deleted.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer. Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will face a very long delay before they are listed in their proper category.
Dental practices will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located.
Practice sites suggested here will be deleted.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Individual dental practices will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located.
Dental practice sites submitted to this category will be deleted.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Sites about the possible dangers of mercury or amalgam belong in Health/Alternative/Non-Toxic_Living/Mercury_and_Amalgams/, as do personal sites describing experiences with these specific types of fillings. Do not submit dental practice sites to this category. Dental practices should be submitted to their proper locality in Regional. Practice sites submitted here will be deleted.
Practices offering oral surgery will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located. Submitting a practice site here will result in the submission being deleted.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the dentist or dental industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.
Practices offering orthodontic dentistry will only be listed in the appropriate Regional category for which they are physically located. Submitting a practice site here will result in the submission being deleted.
World is for sites in languages other than English.
Business is for businesses which provide products or services to the orthodontist or the orthodontic industry.
Shopping is for online sales sites for the consumer.