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Schools, graduate programs and resources offering medical educational material for the healthcare professional.
Resources related to United States Medical Licensure Exam (USMLE) Steps 1, 2 and 3.
Information on recent or forthcoming conferences in any medical or medical science field.
Sites listed here (and in the subcategories) will represent continuing education for medical practitioners (physicians).

Sites about continuing education for other health professionals belong in the appropriate subcategory of Health/Education/Continuing_Education

This category includes sites about specific medical schools, as well as sites about medical school in general.
Please only submit sites that relate to medical schools. Official medical school Web sites should be listed under Health: Medicine: Education: Medical Schools
Resources related to United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE) Steps 1, 2 and 3.
Sites listed here will offer primarily non-commercial information about the exams.

Sites selling products and services are listed in Reference/Education/Products_and_Services/Test_Preparation/Professional_Exams/Health