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This category is for hospitals. Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories.

Hospitals in Alaska.
Hospitals in Arizona.
Hospitals in the state of Florida.
Hospitals across the state of Illinois.
Hospitals submitted here should appear at the Illinois Department of Public Health Licensed Hospitals page.

Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Illinois/Health.

Hospitals across the state of Indiana.
Hospitals in the state of Iowa.
Hospitals across the state of Michigan.
Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Clinics, rehabilitation centers, surgical centers, and all other non-hospitals should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Michigan/Health.

Comprehensive list of hospitals in the state of Missouri.
Submit only Missouri hospitals. Also, submit your site to the appropriate "locality" category in the ODP Regional branch.
Please also submit a copy of your site to the appropriate Locality within Regional/North_America/United_States/New_Jersey/Localities. Thank you.
Hospitals in the state of North Carolina.
Hospitals across North Dakota.
Hospitals in Oklahoma licensed by the state of Oklahoma.
Hospitals submitted here should appear at the Medical Facilities Division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health List of Licensed Hospitals page.

Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Oklahoma/Health.

This category is about hospitals in Pennsylvania.
Find a statewide list of hospitals located in South Carolina.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Hospital

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

Hospitals across the state of South Dakota.
Hospitals in the state of Tennessee.
Hospitals in the state of Texas, licensed by the state of Texas.
Hospitals submitted here should appear at the Texas Hospital Association Licensed Hospitals in Texas page.

Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Texas/Health.

Listing of hospitals located in Virginia.
Hospitals across the state of Wisconsin. The Wisconsin Department of Health and Human Services defines a hospital as "A place that provides 24-hour nursing/medical care to diagnose and treat short-term illnesses and/or injuries."
Hospitals submitted here should appear at the Wisconsin Dept. of Health and Human Services Hospital Directory page.

Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Wisconsin/Health.

Hospitals across the state of Wyoming.
Hospitals submitted here should appear at the Wyoming Hospital Association page.

Organizations of hospitals and health systems should be submitted to Health/Medicine/Hospitals/Health_Systems.

Others are considered clinics and should be submitted to their appropriate regional categories or to a subcategory of Regional/North_America/United_States/Wyoming/Health.