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The branch of medicine that deals with obstetrics and gynecology.
The Ob/Gyn category is for sites that pertain to information, practitioners, clinics and resources on the these medical specialities.

Ob/Gyn is further broken down into separate sub-categories of: Obstetrics Gynecology

In turn, each sub-category of Obstetrics and Gynecology is broken down into areas related to that sub-category.

Gyncological plastic surgery should be submitted instead to Health: Medicine: Surgery: Cosmetic and Plastic: Surgeons and Clinics.
Gynecology (Gyn): A branch of medicine that deals with the diseases and routine physical care of the reproductive system of women. See also: Health/Women's_Health.
Journals and serial publications covering gynecology and obstetrics topics.
Obstetrics (Ob): A branch of medical science that deals with birth and with its antecedents and sequelae. Concerned with childbirth and the care of pregnant women. See also: Health/Reproductive_Health.