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Sites listed here will represent the specialty of plastic and cosmetic surgery, as performed by medically qualified plastic and cosmetic surgeons.

Licensed physicians who offer non-surgical cosmetic treatments are listed in Health/Medicine/Medical_Specialties/Aesthetic_Medicine and sites for beauty salons, botox clinics, liposuction clinics and other cosmetic services offered by non-medically trained practitioners do NOT belong in this section of the directory, and should be sent to the Regional category where they are physically located.

Cryosurgery is the medical use of liquid nitrogen (LN2) for removing tumors of the prostate gland and other organs. It also includes therapeutic uses of LN2 for removing skin cancers, moles, and warts.
If your site is a personal page, detailing personal experience of obesity surgery, please submit it directly to the Personal Pages subcategory.

If your site is about a surgeon or clinic, please submit it directly to the Surgeons and Clinics subcategory.

Many thanks for your assistance.

Sites listed here will be for journals covering more than one surgical specialty. Otherwise, please use the specific specialty category.
Please submit sites for practicing orthopedic surgeons and/or their clinics only. If you are located in the United States, please enter your site under the appropriate state and not in the general category.
Please do not submit sites about related products here.

Consider the subcategories in Shopping/Health or Business/Healthcare/Products_and_Services/Surgical_Products and pick the best area there.

Mostly for nonprofit, regional, national, and international organizations. Groups practice and individual practices should not go here.