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Grief is the pain, misery, anguish, suffering, or distress caused by bereavement.

Loss occurs as a result of losing a possession, a person, or can be caused by deprivation or a change of circumstance. Losses can occur through the death of a child, a spouse, a friend, hero, leader, or relative.

Bereavement is caused by loss, especially the loss of a loved one. A loss of position in the community, dignity, security, or reputation can result in feelings of bereavement.
Please submit sites to this category which would be of benefit to someone who is grieving or coping with loss. This would include lists of resources.

Personal experiences dealing with grief should be submitted to the Personal Pages subcategory.

Please submit counseling services and psychotherapy sites to

Please submit professional resource sites to or one of its subcategories. This would include grief counselor training sites.
Articles or research on grief, loss, or bereavement issues.
For sites dealing with the death of the young, teen, or adult child.
Submit sites for parents about the loss of a child of any age.
Personal stories and accounts relating to grief, loss, or bereavement.

Please note, this category holds general sites relating to grief, loss, and/or bereavement written by individuals. Sites written as dedications to a loved one should be submitted to Death/Online_Dedications/Individuals.

Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site.

Personal loss occurs as a result of losing a possession, a person, or can be caused by deprivation, or a change of circumstance. Losses can occur through the death of a child, a spouse, a friend, hero, leader, or relative.
Please submit only sites of Support Groups (any site that can offer an opportunity to gain support, or give support, to people dealing with the issue of loss, including forums and email lists) to this category.

Personal experiences dealing with grief should be submitted to Health: Mental_Health:Grief,_Loss_and_Bereavement: Personal Pages.

Sites about coping with loss, grief or bereavement (including lists of resources) should be listed under Health: Mental_Health: Grief,_Loss_and_Bereavement.