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Sites in the main Internet category offer content in many forms, rather than simply a page of links. This may include news, resources and discussion groups.
Sites accepted to the main Internet category require a range of resources, such as news, resources, links and forums.

If the main content of your site is to provide a forum or discussion board, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/Chats_and_Forums

If the main content of your site is to provide a mailing list, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/Mailing_Lists

If your site is a Personal Page, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/Personal_Pages

If your site is a Directory, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/Directories

Forums and discussion boards related to nursing.
Please only submit to this category if the main content of your site is to provide a forum, discussion board, or chat room.

If your site includes other content, such as news or resources, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/

A directory offers a wide range of links.
Nursing Directory sites should be submitted to this category.

If the site includes other content, such as news or resources, please submit to Health/Nursing/Internet/

Web sites by health professionals, which include some nursing related content.
Sites submitted to this category should have some nursing content.

General personal pages should be submitted to the correct category within Society/People/Personal_Homepages