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Provides information on first aid topics aimed at health consumers. This information is not intended to replace the advice of healthcare professionals.

Please note the related categories and @linked categories, and submit sites to the correct location. Sites involved with product sales should submit to Shopping/Health and Beauty. First aid training organisations should submit their site to Education and Training

Covers all types of allergic reactions, and their treatment.


CPR, or Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation, is a first aid technique performed on a casualty who is not breathing.

Sites listed here will provide information about the techniques, applications, or problems with CPR

Sites which are primarily concerned with courses or equipment belong in Education and Training instead.

Information on drowning and near-drowning, along with treatment and prevention of drowning.
Many countries have a number of 24-hour call centres offering first aid advice in an emergency. These are in addition to the emergency ambulance number, and provide assistance in the event of poisonings, snake bite, drug overdose and other situations where first aid is vital.
Sites listed here will provide details of emergency call centres and information lines which are available to the public on a 24-hour basis.
Lists non-commercial sites providing information on poisoning to health consumers.
Sites in the category discuss home treatments for severe bleeding, focusing on how and when to take action.
Sites listed here will focus on the particular first aid measures required in remote areas.