Lists professional associations and bodies which represent optometrists in different countries.
Use this category to list professional associations and bodies which represent optometrists in different countries. For example: American Academy of Optometry; Optometrists Association of Australia.
Please do not confuse optometry and ophthalmology!
Organizations, statutory bodies and associations of optometrists located in Asia, or representing optometrists who are located in Asia.
Only include associations representing optometrists. Associations representing ophthalmologists and non-optometric eye-health related organizations can go into more appropriate categories.
Organizations, statutory bodies and associations of optometrists located in Europe, or representing optometrists who are located in Europe.
Only include associations representing optometrists. Associations representing ophthalmologists and non-optometric eye-health related organizations can go into more appropriate categories.
Organizations, statutory bodies and associations of optometrists located in North America, or representing optometrists who are located in North America.
Only include associations representing optometrists. Associations representing ophthalmologists and non-optometric eye-health related organizations can go into more appropriate categories.
Organizations, statutory bodies and associations of optometrists located in Oceania, or representing optometrists who are located in Oceania.
Only include associations representing optometrists. Associations representing ophthalmologists and non-optometric eye-health related organizations can go into more appropriate categories.