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This category houses the sites of families whose surname begins with the letter "V." It includes family sites as well as sites made by parents or grandparents about kids.


Family sites are listed by family name (surname, last name). If you fail to mention your family name, your submission will be delayed. No sites are listed in the main category, so don''t submit anything there. Instead, submit your site according the first letter of your family name. Submissions to the main category will also be delayed.

Sites are listed in a very specific format. Please submit your site in this format - it will speed up your submission.

  1. The "Title" of your submission is your family name.
  2. The first sentence of the "Description" must mention the family members'' names and their locality.
  3. The second sentence of the "Desciption" should describe the content of the site.

Example of a good submission

Title: Anderson
Description: John and Mary, and children Dick and Francis, and the dog Fluffy, from Paris in France. Introduction to France, and photos of family reunion, wedding and Dick''s first tooth.

Example of a bad submission

Title: Welcome to John & Mary''s page!!!
Description: Check out John and Mary Anderson''s nice page about France and their family Dick, Francis and Fluffy the furry friend!

If your site contains no English, submit it to the appropriate category in World/. If your site is a personal site, or if your site contains only a small family section, submit it to Society/People/Personal_Homepages. If your site deals more with family history, genealogy or family research, submit it to Society/Genealogy/Surnames.