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Fathering is the parenting provided by Dad.
For web sites that explicate, further, examine, support or relate directly to Fathering.
Forum-type sites for dads to discuss primarily parenting issues.
Divorced men are equally part of the parenting of children whether the Dad is the custodial parent or not.
Sites that support, explain, discuss, or explicate practical, emotional or ordinary aspects of Fathering by divorced Dads.
Publications on fathering include printed magazines, online stories, E-zines, as well as books and other materials that can be read.
Sites of written materials on Fathering.
New Dads are men who recently became Fathers.
Submit sites that offer information, ideas, criticism or support of practical concerns, every day requirements or emotional issues of Fathering by new Dads.
Organizations focused on the subject or theme of Fathering children or a child. Includes clubs, Electronic groups for networking, social and religious organizations dealing with fathering, as well as advocacy groups.
For web sites dealing with organizations about fathering.
Writings, ideas, information, suggestions on Fathering which are by an individual or about individual experiences of parenting by men.
We prefer sites about individual Fathers or by individual Fathers on the issue of parenting or family related child rearing issues, concerns or experiences. However, When position papers on Fathering which focus on statistical information but lack citations or references to support the conclusions from those statistics, what might otherwise appear to be a scientific or scholarly paper, is considered a personal page herein.
Single Fathering is when a Dad is raising one or more of his children without a partner (Mom or whomever might be)
Sites dealing with single parenting by Dads.
Web sites that pertain to Fathering by men who spend most of their time at home with the kids. The assumption is that the dad doesn't work full time outside of the home - he either works from home or works part-time outside of the home.
Web sites that pertain to Fathering by men who spend most of their time at home with the kids. The assumption is that the dad doesn''t work full time outside of the home - he either works from home or works part-time outside of the home.

Sites for regionally based SAHD groups (for a single locality or perhaps a portion of a state) should be sent to those categories for listing.