In the alphabetical plant categories, you will find plants arranged by genus, listed by botanical (latin) name and, where appropriate, by common name. The botanical names are listed at the top, the common names at the bottom.
Submit informational sites about plants directly to the most appropriate subcategory at the genus level. If a subcategory for the genus does not yet exist, you may submit the site directly to a letter category - choose the first letter of the botanical genus name. If the site features plants in more than one genus, please submit it to the most appropriate subject subcategory within the Plants category (e.g., Houseplants, Perennials, Bulbs).
Daylilies (Hemerocallis) are easily grown perennials that are native to China but thrive in many parts of the world. There are thousands of varieties in many colors, shapes and sizes. Sites in this category provide information on daylilies and their culture.
Please submit only sites with general daylily information.
This category lists websites concerned with the growing of the bulb which is commonly called the Amaryllis. These plants are botanically, varieties and species of the botanic genus Hippeastrum.
It does not include the Belladona Lily (Amaryllis belladonna) which is an distantly related bulbous plant.
Hostas are easily grown shade-loving perennials believed to be native to Asia yet thrive in many parts of the world. Hostas are primarily grown for their foliage and there are hundreds on named varieties in many colors, shapes and sizes.
Sites in this category provide information on the genus hosta and their culture.
Please submit only sites with general hosta information.