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In the alphabetical plant categories, you will find plants arranged by genus, listed by botanical (latin) name and, where appropriate, by common name. The botanical names are listed at the top, the common names at the bottom.
Submit informational sites about plants directly to the most appropriate subcategory at the genus level. If a subcategory for the genus does not yet exist, you may submit the site directly to a letter category - choose the first letter of the botanical genus name. If the site features plants in more than one genus, please submit it to the most appropriate subject subcategory within the Plants category (e.g., Houseplants, Perennials, Bulbs).
Lathyrus is a genus of mostly climbing or sprawling herbaceous plants in the pea family. While it includes both annual and perennials, the species most commonly grown in gardens in Lathyrus odoratus, the annual sweet pea. This category includes sites providing information relevant to growing Lathyrus species in a garden environment.
Information about growing, caring for, and harvesting lavender plants and flowers.
Lavatera is a genus of shrubby and herbaceous plants which are widely cultivated in temperate regions. They are commonly known as mallows.
Please submit sites with original content pertaining to the cultivation of shrubby or herbaceous mallows.
This category contains sites with information about the growing of true lilies. These are bulbous plants of the genus Lilium. All of them are showy summer flowering bulbs of Asia, Europe, and North America. Many other plants can be called lily, in whole or part, but only the true lilies are included here.
Honeysuckles comprise both twining climbers and free standing shrubs. Many are highly fragrant and some flower midwinter.
Please submit sites relating to both climbing and shrubby honeysuckles.
The genus Lupinus covers the popular "Russell Lupins" as well as several ornamental species and hybrids which are widely grown as garden plants.
Please submit only sites relating to the use of Lupin species and hybrids as garden plants.