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In the alphabetical plant categories, you will find plants arranged by genus, listed by botanical (latin) name and, where appropriate, by common name. The botanical names are listed at the top, the common names at the bottom.
Submit informational sites about plants directly to the most appropriate subcategory at the genus level. If a subcategory for the genus does not yet exist, you may submit the site directly to a letter category - choose the first letter of the botanical genus name. If the site features plants in more than one genus, please submit it to the most appropriate subject subcategory within the Plants category (e.g., Houseplants, Perennials, Bulbs).
Sites and articles pertaining to violets and pansies, or other members of the Violaceae. If you're looking for information about African violets, visit the African violets category.
Please submit only sites which are primarily about violets, violas, and/or pansies.