*** Failure to follow these guidelines will result in the deletion of your suggestion. ***
Kids_and_Teens is for audiences 18 and under. Please note that this directory is for kids and not about kids.
If you believe your site complies with these guidelines, you are welcome to suggest it once to the single most appropriate category, but remember, failure to follow these guidelines will result in the deletion of your suggestion.
Sites that contain obscene words, phrases, and profanity will not be listed.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory, any site still under construction, is submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, uses multiple URL''s for multiple submissions, that consists primarily of affiliate links to products, or is a just "cookie cutter front door" store, will be deleted.
Websites designed for parents or teachers, or to sell products or services, will not be accepted.
Please only submit sites here for which children and teens are an intended audience. Sites about children''s internet safety that are not directed at the kids/teens themselves but at parents/educators etc. should not be submitted here but in the Computers/Internet hierarchy of the main directory.
If you are a Kid and submitting your own site, please submit to Top: Kids and Teens: People and Society: Personal Homepages and pick the category and letter that best matches yours or your site''s name.
PLEASE do not submit "Shopping Sites" to any Kids and Teens category.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory, any site still under construction, is submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, uses multiple URL''s for multiple submissions, that consists primarily of affiliate links to products, or is a just "cookie cutter front door" store, will be deleted.