This category lists pages and sites about American illustrator Norman Rockwell (1894-1978). Rockwell received his first illustration assignments while still in his teens. By the age of 22, he had achieved the height of success in his field - a commission to create a cover for The Saturday Evening Post, then America's most successful magazine. Rockwell's association with the magazine continued nearly five decades.
All sites listed here are suitable for children and teens to read and use for enjoyment and/or for schoolwork.
Submit only sites appropriate for children under the age of 18.
This category lists sites that provide biographies and autobiographies for Norman Rockwell. Biographies may be brief but the information contained should have the basic details, e.g., birth and death dates, some details of the life lived, major accomplishments, etc.
Please do not submit sites that are designed primarily to sell books, paintings, prints and/or other products. Commercial sites will not be listed in Kids and Teens.