*** Failure to follow these guidelines will result in the deletion of your suggestion. ***
Kids_and_Teens is for audiences 18 and under. Please note that this directory is for kids and not about kids.
If you believe your site complies with these guidelines, you are welcome to suggest it once to the single most appropriate category, but remember, failure to follow these guidelines will result in the deletion of your suggestion.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Both online and printable coloring page sites are accepted.
For online coloring, the interface should be clear and easy to use for preschool age children.
For printable pages, the page should be esily accessed, and ideally include a built-in printing mechanism, rather than relying on the browser print function. The resulting printed page should consist primarily of the coloring, though small site-attribution or other appropriate content is acceptable.
Meta-sites with no unique content will not be listed.
Sites which include large areas of advertising that make accessing the coloring pages cumbersome will not be listed.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Please do not submit a page of your site to Games, just because that page has games on it. Only submit your site here if the main focus of your site is games for kids to play online.
Sites selling games or other products will not be listed here.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites that focus on selling any type of product will not be accepted.
Sites that have profanity or obscenity will not be accepted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.
If site does not include actual activities and lessons that include learning colors and shapes, please submit instead to a better suited category in /Kids_and_Teens/ .
Sites will often be visually based and of a type which pre-school children can use with a minimum of adult assistance. Sites which require reading skills or other kind of adult assistance may be appropriate here IF the pre-school child is still the intended audience, and if the site contains games, activities or information specifically for this age group.
Sites aimed at parents, teachers or care-givers are not appropriate and will not be listed here.
No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory. Any site still under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or designed primarily to market products or services will be deleted.