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Typical or booted eagles range in size and shape from small hawk-eagles to large soaring eagles.
Serpent or snake-eagles mainly eat reptiles and carrion. The lower legs are covered by armor-like scales that help protect against snakebites.
Forest eagles live in tropical rainforests, and include some of the largest and most powerful eagles. Their lower legs are not feathered.
Sea or fish-eagles are large, powerful, long-winged eagles. These eagles do not have feathers on their lower legs. They have rough surfaces on the pads of their feet for holding slippery fish.
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Species of falcon include kestrels, caracaras, hobbies, falconets, and merlins.
Strong, fast fliers, falcons strike or grab their prey with sharp claws. Most eat birds, reptiles, and small mammals. Some, however, only eat insects or carrion.
Several species of falcons are endangered.
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Accipiters or true hawks inhabit forests. They have short, broad, round wings and a long tail; long shins and long, slender toes. The female accipiter is often much larger than the male.
Harriers have a facial disc, like owls, that helps them hear their prey. Most show color differences between the adult male and female birds.
Buteos are found nearly worldwide in open country and some forested areas. They have broad wings with deeply slit wing tips; short, stout legs with short toes.
There is a miscellaneous group of hawks that do not fit into the other hawk groups. Most of these birds live in the tropics.
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These raptors have short lower legs, relatively weak feet with short toes, long, often pointed wings, and a squared tail that may be notched or forked. Most kites are social and often nest in colonies.
The male and female birds in this group tend to be the same size, and often share the duties of nest building, incubation, and feeding the young.
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They have an raised hind toe for walking. Except for hisses and grunts, they are almost silent because they have no voice box.
This group of birds includes the Andean and California condors, and the Black and Turkey Vultures.
Some believe that New World vultures are more closely related to storks than hawks and eagles.
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Although it looks like a hawk, it has narrow, angled wings. The structure of its feet and claws is so peculiar that it has been placed in its own subfamily, the Pandioninae.
Unlike other raptors, the Osprey has four equal toes. The outer one is reversible, enabling the bird to seize its prey with two toes pointing forwards and two pointing backwards.
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