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Eagles are medium to large-sized birds of prey that use soaring or sprinting flight to hunt. They build a stick nest and lay 1 - 3 eggs that have a green inner lining. There are four different types of eagles.

Typical or booted eagles range in size and shape from small hawk-eagles to large soaring eagles.

Serpent or snake-eagles mainly eat reptiles and carrion. The lower legs are covered by armor-like scales that help protect against snakebites.

Forest eagles live in tropical rainforests, and include some of the largest and most powerful eagles. Their lower legs are not feathered.

Sea or fish-eagles are large, powerful, long-winged eagles. These eagles do not have feathers on their lower legs. They have rough surfaces on the pads of their feet for holding slippery fish.

All sites submitted to this category must be designed for use by kids and teens, and provide information on or about eagles.

Websites designed for parents or teachers, or to sell products or services, will not be accepted.

This category is for sites about the bald eagle, sometimes called the American bald eagle. This eagle was endangered, but protected under the several laws, it has made remarkable recovery and is no longer considered an endangered species. As always, sites in this category have been chosen because they are judged to be of interest to kids and teens.
Golden Eagles get their name from the golden colored feathers on the back of their heads.

Sites in this category have been judged to be of interest to kids and/or teens.