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Physics is the science of the natural world in the broadest sense, dealing with the fundamental constituents of the universe, the forces they exert on one another, and the results produced by these forces. Physicists study a wide range of physical phenomena spanning all length scales: from the sub-atomic particles from which all ordinary matter is made (particle physics) to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole (cosmology).

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to Physics, its principles, laws, and applications.
Only websites with a comprehensive content (covering a variety of topics) and intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Please submit your site to the most appropriate subcategory possible depending on its topic.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in
Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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This category is dedicated to the physics involved in the attractions of amusement parks.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the physical principles and phenomena behind
the attractions of amusement parks.
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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An atom is a submicroscopic structure found in all ordinary matter. It is the smallest unit of an element to retain all the chemical properties of that element. Most atoms are composed of three types of massive subatomic particles which govern their external properties: electrons, protons, and neutrons. Together, protons and neutrons form the nucleus of an atom, which is surrounded by the electrons. But protons, and neutrons are actually composite particles, made up of quarks, as well as other particles such as photons and neutrinos which are produced copiously in the sun. However, most of the particles that have been discovered and studied are not encountered under normal earth conditions; they are produced in cosmic rays and during scattering processes in particle accelerators. Physics branches devoted to the study of atoms, nuclei and particles, their properties and associated phenomena such as radioactivity, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, are, for example, quantum mechanics and nuclear physics.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the nature of Atoms, Nuclei and Particles and their associated phenomena.
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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This category is about electric and the magnetic fields. A non-zero electric field is produced by the presence of electrically charged particles, and gives rise to the electric force; this is the force that causes static electricity and drives the flow of electric charge (electric current) in electrical conductors. The magnetic field, on the other hand, can be produced by the motion of electric charges, or electric current, and gives rise to the magnetic force associated with magnets. The term "electromagnetism" comes from the fact that the electric and magnetic fields generally cannot be described independently of one another. A changing magnetic field produces an electric field (this is the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction, which underlies the operation of electrical generators, induction motors, and transformers). Similarly, a changing electric field generates a magnetic field.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to
the nature of Electric and Magnetic fields, their sources, associated phenomena, and applications.

Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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In physics, energy is a fundamental quantity that every physical system possesses. Energy of physical system in a certain given state is defined as the amount of work (W) needed to change the state of the system from some initial position to a specific or final position. Energy is found in different forms: Kinetic energy: the energy of moving objects; Thermal energy: the energy associated with heat; Sound energy: the energy of compression waves; Electrical energy: the energy of moving charged particles; Potential Energy: the energy that an object has due to position; also known as stored energy; Chemical energy: the stored energy of chemical substances; Nuclear energy: the stored energy of the atomic nucleus and Radiant energy: the energy of electromagnetic waves, including light. Energy can be readily transformed from one form into another; for instance, using a battery to power an electrical heater converts chemical energy into electrical energy, which is then converted into thermal energy. Also, energy could be transformed in matter and vice versa as the theory of relativity states.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to energy, its role in the physical systems, and its different forms .

Only comprehensive websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Websites about specific forms of energy should be sent to the most appropriate subcategory, for example: nuclear energy should be submitted to,_Nuclei_and_Particles/> Atoms,_Nuclei_and_Particles .

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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This category is dedicated to the physics of the things which are used in the daylife.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the physical principles and phenomena which determine
how the everyday things work.
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that studies the effects of temperature on physical systems at the macroscopic scale. The starting point for most thermodynamic considerations are the laws of thermodynamics. These laws postulate that energy can be exchanged between physical systems in the form of heat and work, as well as the existence of a quantity named entropy, which can be associated with every system.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to Heat and Thermodynamics .
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Optics is a branch of physics that describes the behavior and properties of light and the interaction of light with matter. Optics explains and is illuminated by optical phenomena. The field of optics usually describes the behavior of visible, infrared and ultraviolet light; however because light is an electromagnetic wave, analogous phenomena occur in X-rays, microwaves, radio waves, and other forms of electromagnetic radiation. Optics can thus be regarded as a sub-field of electromagnetism. Some optical phenomena depend on the quantum nature of light and as such some areas of optics are also related to quantum mechanics. Optics has two primary branches: physical optics and geometrical optics.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the nature and properties of light and the optical phenomena.
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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Briefly stated, this category is about the branch of physics, the classical mechanics, concerned with the motion of physical bodies (kinematics), and with the forces that cause, or limit, these motions, as well as with forces which such bodies may, in turn, give rise to (dynamics). Thus the term "body" needs to stand for a wide assortment of objects, including particles, projectiles, spacecraft, stars, parts of machinery, parts of solids, parts of fluids (gases and liquids), etc.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the
Motion of physical bodies and the Forces that generate it. .

Only comprehensive websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.
Please submit your site to the more appropriate subcategory depending on its topic.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in
Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

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This category is dedicated to those men and women who made decisive contributions to the advance of physics during the time they lived in. They were specialists who studied a wide range of physical phenomena spanning all length scales: from the sub-atomic particles, from which all ordinary matter is made (particle physics) to the behavior of the material Universe as a whole (cosmology).

This category is for educational and general interest websites about
the life and key contributions of famous Physicists throughout history.

Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, your proposed website must be submitted to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Einstein's theory of relativity consists of special relativity and general relativity, which are built on the principle of relativity and the local constancy of the speed of light. In these theories space and time became unified as spacetime. In general relativity, the concept that this spacetime could be curved was introduced. This curved spacetime replaced Newton's force of gravity and the source of gravitation.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the Theory of Relativity.
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Sound is vibration, as perceived by the sense of hearing. Vibrations usually travel to our ears through the air; the ear converts them into nerve impulses sent to our brains, where the impulses become sound. In more technical language, sound "is an alternation in pressure, particle displacement, or particle velocity propagated in an elastic material" (Olson 1957) or series of mechanical compressions and rarefactions or longitudinal waves that successively propagate through media that are at least a little compressible (solid, liquid or gas but not vacuum). In sound waves parts of matter (molecules or groups of molecules) move in a direction of the spreading of the disturbance (as opposite to transversal waves). The cause of sound waves is called the source of waves, e.g. a violin string vibrating upon being bowed or plucked. A sound wave is usually represented graphically by a wavy, horizontal line; the upper part of the wave (the crest) indicates a compression and the lower part (the trough) indicates a rarefaction.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the Waves and Sound
Only comprehensive websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

A sport consists of an activity or skill carried out with a recreational purpose: for competition, for self-enjoyment, to attain excellence, for the development of a skill, or some combination of these. A wide variety of physical principles are involved in the rules and practice of sports, and this category intends to identify them.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to
the physical principles and phenomena behind the sport activities .

Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
The ODP does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Matter occupies space and has mass. In bulk, matter can exist in several different phases, according to particle density and energy density or alternatively pressure and temperature. These phases include gases, plasmas, liquids, fluids, superfluids, solids, and Bose-Einstein condensate and have their particular properties. As circumstances change, matter may change from one phase into another. These phenomena are called phase transitions, and their energetics are studied in the field of thermodynamics. In small quantities, matter can exhibit properties that are entirely different from those of bulk material. Matter constitutes the observable Universe. It can be converted to energy (see annihilation), and vice versa - can be created out of energy (see matter creation) and undergo other formations and alterations.

This category is for educational and general interest websites related to the Structure and Properties of Matter .
Only websites intended, targeted, or appropriate
for people under the age of 18 will be listed here.

Kids and Teens lists sites for kids, not about kids.

Websites in this category must be in English, otherwise, submit your website to the closest category in> Kids and Teens/International depending on the language.

No site is guaranteed placement in the Open Directory.
Curlie does not list redirection or vanity URLs. Please submit the URL of your server.

Sites under construction, submitted to multiple inappropriate categories, using multiple URLs for multiple submissions, or consisting primarily of affiliate links to products will be deleted.

Thank you for your cooperation.