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This category is for sites related to amateur (ham) radio and shortwave listening that are of interest to youth. This includes sites on projects, young hobbyist groups, shortwave listening, young operators events and other sites of similar and related interest.
This category is for sites related to amateur (ham) radio and shortwave listening that are of interest to youth. Those sites with a focus that would appeal mostly to an older, or well experienced radio hobbyist should go in the regular directory category under Recreation/Radio.
This category is for sites related to amateur (ham) radio that are of interest to youth. This includes sites on projects, young hobbyist groups, young operators events and other sites of similar and related interest.
This category is for sites related to amateur (ham) radio that are of interest to youth. Those sites with a focus that would appeal mostly to an older, or well experienced radio hobbyist should go in the regular directory category under Recreation/Radio.
This category is for sites related to shortwave listening that are of interest to youth. This includes sites on projects, young hobbiest groups, young opperators events and other sites of similar and related interest.
This category is for sites related to shortwave listening that are of interest to youth. Those sites with a focus that would appeal mostly to an older, or well experienced radio hobbiest should go in the regular directory category under Recreation/Radio.