Drop Zones for skydiving and parachuting which are located in the North America. Please suggest your site to either USA, Canada or Mexico rather than this category.
This section is a ''catch-all'' category for ''fixed location'' drop zones in North America. Please submit your site to USA, Canada or Mexico categories. If you are submitting a site which is not a fixed drop zone and instead is for service, product or information related activities in the skydiving or parachuting genre, please look again and send your site suggestions to another category within skydiving.
Drop Zones for skydiving and parachuting which are located in Canada.
This section is only for Canadian ''fixed location'' drop zones which have been approved for operation by the Canadian Civil Aviation Authority, as delegated to the Canadian Sport Parachute Association. If you are submitting a site which is not a fixed drop zone and instead is for service, product or information related activities in the skydiving or parachuting genre, please look again and send your site suggestions to another category within skydiving.
Drop Zones for skydiving and parachuting which are located in Mexico.
This section is only for ''fixed location'' drop zones in Mexico which have English language content or site translation. If you are submitting a site which is not a fixed drop zone and instead is for service, product or information related activities in the skydiving or parachuting genre, please look again and send your site suggestions to another category within skydiving.
Drop Zones for skydiving and parachuting which are located in the USA.
This section is only for USA ''fixed location'' drop zones which have been approved for operation by the Federal Aviation Authority, as delegated to the United States Parachute Association. If you are submitting a site which is not a fixed drop zone and instead is for service, product or information related activities in the skydiving or parachuting genre, please look again and send your site suggestions to another category within skydiving.