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For a toy to be considered an "action figure", it must be more than a static piece of plastic. By "action", it implies movable parts - be they shoulder, elbow or knee joints, or a swiveling head or waist. In collector's jargon, these movable parts are called "points of articulation".

Action figures also include accessories (weapons, tools, clothing and vehicles) and action features such as combat moves, battle damage, transformation, and electronic light-up eyes.

In other words, if the figures have no moving parts they are not considered "action figures". This includes all of the following: statues, sculptures, and static (non-moving) figures of metal, plastic, vinyl, resin and/or PVC.

Dolls such as Barbie are also not considered action figures. If they are larger versions of figures with real clothing and movable parts (such as Star Wars and GI Joes), they are referred to as 12-inch figures, not "dolls".

Submission Guidelines

The main action figures category is for general action figure fan pages and professional resource sites that offer a collector''s focus over online shopping.

Action figure sites with a heavy commercial focus, serving primarily as shopping sites are considered "Dealers" and should be submitted only to the Shopping - Action Figures category.

If you are an official licensee, distributor or manufacturer of action figures and you also sell or display your products online, please submit to the Companies and Manufacturers category.

Considering the tens of thousands of movies, television shows, and comic books that have been produced, the scope of toys made from these productions is rather limited. This is where customizers come into play. Is there a comic book or movie hero you have always wanted to have on your shelf, but it has never been made? Many people have had this same problem, and have come to a simple solution: make it yourself!
Sites submitted to this category should pertain to showcasing, making, and/or selling custom action figures and accessories.
Listing of collectors' sites for toys from the 1993 animated series, "Exo-Squad".
Prince Adam, aka He-Man, the son of King Randor and Queen Marlena. Like his fraternal twin Adora, he is a hybrid of an Earthling and an Eternian. At the age of 18, Man-At-Arms brought him to Castle Grayskull, where Adam received the power of He-Man.

For quicker placement in the directory please follow these Submission Tips:

Title: Name of Site or Organization

Description: This describes the website and should note distinguishing features found on the site without the use of hype, personal pronouns, or repetitive terms.

Resources for collectors and fans of Micronauts and Microman toys, comics, etc. These are science-fiction toys originally manufactured by Takara of Japan in the early 1970s and then licensed by Mego in America and released as Micronauts. These are not related to Micro-machines or Micronaut nautical models or anything not part of the Micronaut or Microman toy lines, comics or related media.
Please submit sites that are specific to the Micronauts or Microman action figures, comics, collection, etc.
Listing for collectors sites on action figures from G.I. Joe, 21st Century, Ultimate Soldier, Cotsworld, Dragon, and other military figures.
Sites with a heavy commercial focus, serving primarily as shopping sites are considered "Dealers" and should be submitted only to the Shopping - Action Figures category.
Listing of collectors' sites focusing on Star Trek action figures.
No Dealers/sellers of Star Trek action figures, toys, or other collectibles/memorabilia are accepted here.
Listings for collectors' sites focusing on Star Wars action figures.

- Dealers should submit their sites only to the Dealers category, but ONLY if you have a page containing Star Wars action figures for sale.

- Dealers set up as affiliate sites will be rejected.

- If your site focuses on all Star Wars collectibles and memorabilia, submit it to the Toys & Collectibles category.

- If you don''t have a frames-based site, you may submit your Star Wars action figure page from your site here, and your homepage to the Toys & Collectibles category.

This is a directory of sites focusing on the collecting of action figures from professional wrestling - WWF (World Wrestling Federation); WCW (World Championship Wrestling); NWO (New World Order); and others.
All shopping sites - those selling action figures, accessories, playsets and other wrestling related merchandise - should be submitted to the Shopping category.