Only sites deemed of interest to most or all of the Society are eligible for listing here in the top-level SCA category.
Merchants who are SCA members may submit their sites to the relevant Shopping category.
If your site is of interest to a wider reenactment audience than the SCA, it may be listed elsewhere within Living History.
- Kingdoms (largest);
- Principalities, Regions, and Crown Principalities;
- Baronies, Provinces, Shires, and Strongholds;
- Colleges, Cantons, and Ridings (smallest)
As of the end of 2002, the SCA is composed of seventeen kingdoms, which stretch around the world. In order to meet SCA people in your area, you will likely need to contact a group of baronial size or smaller.
The territory that each Kingdom covers is listed in the description for that kingdom.
The only sites which should be submitted to this category are those pertaining to a newly formed, not-yet-listed kingdom.