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For informational sites dealing exclusively with hunting small game such as squirrels, rabbits, gophers and all forms of bird hunting.
Please, only submit informational sites to this category.

If you are a commercial guide or outfitter, submit your site to Guides and Outfitters. Your site will NOT be listed under Game.

If you are selling a product related to hunting, please submit your site to Shopping_Sports_Hunting.

The bird hunting category is dedicated to understanding and supporting the traditions, skills and environmental knowledge necessary to take wild games birds on foot using dogs and shotguns. For informational sites dealing exclusively with all forms of bird hunting.
Please submit informational sites only to this category.

If you are a commercial guide or outfitter, please submit your site to Guides and Outfitters.

If you operate a game preserve, please submit your site to Recreation_Guns_Shooting_Shooting_Preserves.

If you are selling a product related to hunting, including gamebirds, please submit your site under Shopping_Recreation_Outdoors_Hunting.