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Non-scientific sites about bats. Especially watching, rehabilitation and amateur research.
This category is only for non-scientific sites about bats.

Submit sites related to the scientific field of phylogeny, classification, or taxonomy go to Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/.

Organisations, charities, societies and local groups should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Organizations.

Designs for bat houses and related activities should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Bat Houses.

Bat detectors and related technology should be submitted to Science/Technology/Acoustics,_Ultrasound_and_Vibration/Ultrasound/Companies/Bat_Detectors

Non-scientific and non-commercial sites about bat houses for designs and related topics.
This category is only for non-scientific and non-commercial sites about bat houses.

Commercial sites and products for sale, will not be submitted here, and should be submitted to Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Garden_Accessories/Birdhouses,_Feeders,_and_Baths.

Submit sites related to the scientific field of phylogeny, classification, or taxonomy go to Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/.

Organisations, charities, societies and local groups should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Organizations.

Bat detectors and related technology should be submitted to Science/Technology/Acoustics,_Ultrasound_and_Vibration/Ultrasound/Companies/Bat_Detectors

Specifically for non-scientific clubs and groups related to bats.
This category is only for organisations related to bats.

Submit sites related to the scientific field of phylogeny, classification, or taxonomy go to Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Chordata/Mammalia/Chiroptera/.

Designs for bat houses and related activities should be submitted to Recreation/Outdoors/Wildlife/Bats/Bat Houses.

Bat detectors and related technology should be submitted to Science/Technology/Acoustics,_Ultrasound_and_Vibration/Ultrasound/Companies/Bat_Detectors