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English language sites focusing on the domestic cat as a pet.
Please also go through the subcategories and select the most appropriate category to submit your site to, and submit your site ONCE. Sites with only one page with little or no information and/or under construction sites or multiple subpages from the same site will NOT be listed.

Non-English language sites should be submitted to the corresponding subcat in World.

If you are selling a cat-related product, do not submit your site to Recreation/Pets/Cats. It will not be listed here. Submit instead to Shopping/Pets/Cats_and_Dogs/Cats .

Websites about cat behavior.

This category lists sites which are breed-specific and recognized by at least one major registry.

Please submit sites that deal with specific breeds only.

If you are selling a product, do not submit your site to a Recreation/Pets/Cats subcategory - it will not be listed. All such sites are listed in Shopping/Pets/Cats_and_Dogs/Cats/.

Boarding kennels, grooming, training or pet sitting services, should be submitted to the proper locality in Regional. Your site will not be listed in Recreation/Pets/Cats.

Please send sites that only offer cats and kittens for sale to the appropriate location in Regional.

Recreational categories are intended for the hobbyist with a focus on the breed and showing the animals; on limited occasions litters or puppies may become available and offered to the public.

Websites whose primary focus and content is to sell cats or kittens will be considered a business. Currently all businesses selling cats and kittens as companions, pets, or show animals should be listed in Regional under the businesses physical location.
Thank you

Websites of all-breed multipurpose cat clubs.
If the club is for a specific breed, it should be submitted to that breed category. The breed categories are listed here
Websites about famous cats or famous cat owners.
Find or submit here sites with content such as: cat jokes, funny cat stories, funny cat photos, or other cat humor related issues.
Websites about issues affecting cat owners and cat ownership.
This category is for web sites dealing with controversial cat health issues, such as vaccination and elective surgery. If your site deals with general cat health issues, please submit it to Health/Animal/Pets/Cats.
Websites about coping with the death of a pet cat and the issue of voluntary euthanasia of cats.
Home pages of groups of cats or of cats without purebred pedigrees. Please send home pages of cats of a specific breed to that breed category.
Rescue and shelter organizations are involved in helping and protecting cats.
This category lists rescue and shelter organizations which deal specifically with cats.

Please submit the main URL for the site and include a brief description of the site''s features and content.

Cat Shows are normally judged in one of three ways. In the U.S.A. the owner carries their cat to the judging ring and places her in a judging cage - chairs are provided within the ring and the owner is able to watch their cat being judged. Outside of the U.S.A. one of two methods is used. One is to have the appointed steward bring one cat at a time to the judge who is seated behind a table. The judge then examines and evaluates the cat and writes up their comments on a pre-printed form. The steward then return the cat to its owner. The second method is to provide the judge with a waist high rolling table - the steward then gets each cat in turn out of its pen to be judged and writes up the judges comments on a pre-printed form. The table is moved from one pen to another until all cats have been judged. In this method the exhibitors are excluded from the hall during the initial judging process.
Submitted sites should be about specific shows or give information regarding shows and showing cats.

Deeplinks to individual club''s show schedule on their site will not be accepted. Club websites should be submitted to Cats/Clubs