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The American Bulldog, also known as the Old English White, is a recently named breed. In the 1700's, British settlers to the southern United States arrived with their English Bulldogs. These dogs served on the farms and plantations as guardians and livestock dogs. The American Bulldog remains true to his working dog roots.

The American Bulldog is short-coated, well-muscled, weighing 65-130 pounds, and ranging in height from 19-28".

Please submit sites for the American Bulldog.
Breeder sites for the American Bulldog.
Please submit breeder sites for the American Bulldog.

Title should be the name of the kennel only.

The description may include a brief statement about the breeder's goals but must also include what is actually on the site, such as pedigrees and kennel history. As well it should have the city, state and country where the breeder is located.

Club sites that are for the American Bulldog.
Please submit club sites for the American Bulldog.
Pet sites for the American Bulldog.
Please submit pet sites for the American Bulldog.
Rescue and shelter sites for the American Bulldog.
Please submit rescue and shelter sites for the American Bulldog.