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Sites about Jack Russell Terriers, Parson Jack Russell Terriers, and Parson Russell Terriers.

The Jack Russell Terrier was developed in the early 1800's in England by the Parson John Russell. This dog has become, under various standards and according to different registries, the Jack Russell Terrier (JRTCA, UKC), the Parson Jack Russell Terrier (KC, FCI, ANKC) and the Parson Russell Terrier (AKC, ANKC).

As a pet, these dogs need a great deal of activity and attention, disciple, and acceptable outlets for their strong drives to hunt prey and go to ground. They are energetic, bold, and assertive and may not be suitable for households with other pets or children.

Please submit only sites with general information about the Russell Terriers to this category.
Breeders of more than one breed of Russell Terrier.
Breeders of only one type of Russell Terrier should submit their sites under that specific Breed.
Clubs open to Jack Russell Terriers, Parson Russell Terriers, and Parson Jack Russell Terriers.
Clubs open only to one type of Russell Terrier should be submitted to that category instead.
The Jack Russell Terrier was developed in the south of England in the 1800's to work European red fox both above and below ground. It was named for the Reverend John Russell.
Please submit only general information sites about Jack Russell Terriers to this category. Sites for JRT breeding kennels, breed clubs, pets or rescue groups should be submitted to their respective sub-category.
In 1990, in England, when The Kennel Club recognized the Jack Russell Terrier, it named it the Parson Jack Russell Terrier. The Parson Jack Russell Terrier has also been recognized under the F.C.I. in Germany, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, Italy, South Africa, and Australia.
This category is for sites about Parson Jack Russell Terriers only.
In 1997, the AKC recognized the Jack Russell Terrier and in 2003 officially changed the breed name to Parson Russell Terrier.

The ANKC also recognizes the Parson Russell Terrier (as well as the Parson Jack Russell Terrier).

This category is for sites about Parson Russell Terriers only.
Personal websites about, and sometimes by, pet Russell Terriers.
Sites featuring only one type of RT should be submitted to that specific category instead.
Rescue and shelter organizations for JRTs, PRTs, and PJRTs.
Organizations for only one of the types of Russell Terriers should be submitted to that specific category.